
joined 2 years ago
[–] SuddenDownpour -5 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Germany's 2nd most spoken language is English, by 32% of the population.

Germany's 3rd most spoken language is French, by 9% of the population.

France's 2nd most spoken language is English, by 24% of the population.

France's 3rd most spoken language is Spanish, by 9% of the population.

UK's 2nd most spoken language is French, by 16% of the population.

UK's 3rd most spoken language is German, by 5% of the population.


While you could say that France is a bit behind the curve in comparison with most other Northern European countries, native English speakers are far worse at learning any other language. I'm not even French, but the circle-jerk English speaking communities have about French people sometimes gets pretty embarrassing.

[–] SuddenDownpour 7 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I (female bodied, they/them / nb) am a furry and my wife and I like to pretend that I’m a wolf and I’m hunting and eating her. What can we make that will look and feel like real organs I can “rip” out of her stomach and eat, and what could we use for fake blood that would be the easiest to clean up?

Absolutely based, all the rest of us plebs just need to learn about the depth and power of their kinkiness. Cheers to their banquet.

[–] SuddenDownpour 13 points 8 months ago

The Judiciary has decided that the Executive must not be beholden to neither the Legislative nor the Judiciary. This is terrible, because it breaks the separation of powers. Now, if only the Executive wasn't beholden to any of the other powers to force the Judiciary to go back to reason... Oh, wait.

Irony aside: no, this isn't a matter of not having standards, this is a matter of making sure that democracy is capable of perpetuating itself. If the organism gets infected by a virus that intends to mutate the whole thing into a degenerated parody of itself, it must send its antibodies. Not doing so means letting the last line of defense fall all by itself, which is even against the very spirit of the law.

[–] SuddenDownpour 88 points 8 months ago (6 children)

"Redditors of Reddit, how do you sexily sex the sex out of sexy sex???"

Serious response: you can't really make a very general rule. There are a lot of people who write quite maturely since their teens, and a lot of people who are morons since their teens and have endless dedication and determination to remain in that state for as long as they breathe.

[–] SuddenDownpour 29 points 8 months ago

If anyone needs proof about what you're saying: just compare the backlash against the EU taking in 1 million Syrian refugees (which lasted for years) vs the backlash against the EU taking in 4 million Ukrainian refugees (of which I've heard virtually no complaints).

[–] SuddenDownpour 2 points 8 months ago

Man, season 4 did him dirty. There was so much they could do to exploit this arc of his and instead treated it like an old joke.

[–] SuddenDownpour 33 points 8 months ago (3 children)

I once ran up against a guy who claimed trans people had their minds rotten by the porn industry. Motherfucker, there are really well documented non-cishet-normative social classes in Norse Scandinavia, in pre-Modern Albania, in pre-Muslim Arabia, in several places of Indonesia - what porn industry did exist there!? He couldn't come up with anything, but wouldn't budge either. Some people get stuck in a prejudice and will behave like raving conspiracy theorists the moment they're offered some bullshit explanation that makes no sense but agrees with them.

[–] SuddenDownpour 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Homo Sapiens develop a mutation XYZ that makes them not be attracted towards Neanderthals -> Neanderthals go extinct -> XYZ is NOW vestigial.

[–] SuddenDownpour 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The real news is that Melenchon has finally managed to make it to the second round. And the question now is whether Macron's voters are as compromised about stopping fascism as they've claimed for years to the point that they'll vote to *horrified gasp* raise their taxes.

[–] SuddenDownpour 8 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Conservatives need to stop projecting their kinks into real life. It ain't healthy.

[–] SuddenDownpour 2 points 8 months ago (3 children)

No "till", plenty of living beings have vestigial elements that were positive at some point of their history, yet no longer are, but are still maintained because there isn't evolutionary pressure to get rid of them.

[–] SuddenDownpour 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

If it makes you feel any better, chances are that countless birds have peed on those specific rocks through history.

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