"In a battle or emergency, where the survival of the vessel (or other protected asset) is dependent upon the continued operation of the equipment, it is sometimes wiser to risk equipment damage than have the equipment shut down when it is needed. For example, the electrical drives to elevate and traverse the guns of a combat warship may have "battleshort" fuses, which are simply copper bars of the correct size to fit the fuse holders, as failure to return fire in a combat situation is a greater threat to the ship and crew than damaging or overheating the electrical motors."
Huh. Learn something all the time.
I just want you to know, we're all counting on you.
I wish! I know starfleet is the epitome of smarts class and innovative humans, but damn, not one shit or fuck with all the stuff they deal with and mental strain applied regularly?!
This is referencing another show she does called Letterkenny as Mrs. McMurray, where she says the nastiest of things on a regular.
She is only in a little bit in the Strange New Worlds, and nothing like Mrs McMurray, lol. As soon as I saw her though I have not been able to get the idea of her doing a McMurray mumble on a starship. It's a great show though and has some fun and dramatic episodes mixed in.
Final frontier therapy?
Haha!! Amazing work on that!