[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

It's only double counted in a situation where you're actually counting both sides. This is a Canadian study published by a Canadian outlet about the impacts of Canadian policy.

They're not trying to balance the books, so to speak, they're evaluating transactions on a single account.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 weeks ago

I don't understand this mentality. If we oppose monopolistic sales platforms when it's Amazon, Google Play, or the Apple store why should we turn a blind eye when suddenly we like a particular company.

I'm not contesting that Steam offers the best user experience by a mile (it truly beats Epic and Gog by miles), but that doesn't erase the downsides of having a single entity with a grip on the entire market.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The reason the article compares to commercial flights is your everyday reader knows planes' emissions are large. It's a reference point so people can weight the ecological tradeoff.

"I can emit this much by either (1) operating the global airline network, or (2) running cloud/LLMs." It's a good way to visualize the cost of cloud systems without just citing tons-of-CO2/yr.

Downplaying that by insisting we look at the transportation industry as a whole doesn't strike you as... a little silly? We know transport is expensive; It is moving tons of mass over hundreds of miles. The fact computer systems even get close is an indication of the sheer scale of energy being poured into them.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

330 micrograms per gram

That seems like... a lot. Way more than I expected or am comfortable thinking about.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

I get that there are better choices now, but let's not pretend like a straw you blow into is the technological stopping point for limb-free computer control (sorry if that's not actually the best option, it's just the one I'm familiar with). There are plenty of things to trash talk Neuralink about without pretending this technology (or it's future form) is meritless.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Her manner of speaking reminds me of the sermons you get at 'modern'/nondenominational churches here in the south. Just the way phrases are timed, the intonation, the need to make every minute factual statement sound emotionally profound...

I have to wonder if she is consciously trying to speak in that way. I don't know why they would think that was a good approach for a political speech lmao. It's just so bizarre I can't actually process it.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 7 months ago

SBF's peak was a few years ago. This year all he's done is show during his trial how deluded these techbros/EAs can actually be. At least SBF had the common courtesy to remove himself from public life within 5 years. Style points for the life-in-prison ending, while simultaneously killing mainstream crypto.

We're stuck with Altman for the foreseeable future, and now with a recently purged OpenAI board that will let him continue the industry-wide commercialization of copyright infringement (but only of the laypersons' IP. Better not ask it to draw Mickey Mouse, though).

It's also really unclear where OpenAI lies on the EA/Longtermist/E Acc pipeline. Altman is likely letting whackos have some pretty serious power.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago

That is one theory, based on a conversation captured on another (not-directly-involved, but on-site) office's bodycam footage. It isn't really conclusive, it's on-scene hearsay from what is likely the downstream end of a game of telephone.

The more productive avenue for discussions, in my opinion, is to consider whether firing pepper balls at non-violent individuals is perhaps negligent or reckless use of force, that escalates the situation without solving anything.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

I don't know what the imperial system standards committee was up to, but I've never met a slug that was 32.2 lbm

[-] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago

It's especially infuriating when you have a giant like Microsoft rolling Electron on their flagship applications (Teams), and then deprecating support for some platforms (Linux). What's the point of your nice, memory-gobbling, platform-agnostic app framework if you're not even going to use it to provide cross platform support?

[-] [email protected] 13 points 11 months ago

I read "fully half" as actually >50%, not rounding up

[-] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Lots of weird polish issues in my opinion... One that really peeved me was (for a while at least) you could search for a message, but there was no way to jump to that message from the search results. So you couldn't read the context unless you scroll all the way back up.

But primarily it's that the mechanics are different from things like Slack and Discord in ways that are just less intuitive.

Channels function more like announcements + comments rather than a chat—you are really shoehorned into posting a "Topic" and discussing it in the replies. There's no way to carry a linear conversation in a channel otherwise. And to load replies you have to keep clicking "see more" as if this is a social media site, so it's very annoying when your 800+ comment critical discussion happens there. Not to mention notification settings aren't granular enough, so you either get hammered by all activity, or remain oblivious to discussions which may have popped up in an older Post.

What tends to happen in my experience is small working groups spawn off a group chats because the flow is better for daily conversation there than in Channels. Which, of course hides this activity from anyone not in the chat. And group chat's are entirely linear in Teams—you don't have threads the way you do in Slack, so chat history tends to get messy quick.

The channel-then-thread organization Slack uses is much more natural for the teams I tend to work on, because you just have the one main discussion which can be segmented into threads as needed.

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