The people who tried to explain it to you, cant even it explain it themselves lol
I appreciate you.
I recommend getting off your high horse.
Honestly, I don't even know myself. Was very much drunk when I wrote this last night. I'll keep it up though for a reminder to not get too drunk and write things like this.
Collecting rent as an income is different than having a job.
I was a "contractor" for JnJ. Which ok, is a different company but it's the same premise. The reason they contract the work out is so they can avoid giving benefits and cut costs for an essential job. All so when something like this happens they can just pass the buck off to the contracting company saying it's not their responsibility for the working conditions they set.
Are you a millennial? Because I am, and everything you just mentioned is what was championed when I was in my early 20s. The sweet job was wanted once we hit the recession and couldn't get a job at fuckin Target as a cashier even if you had a MBA.
I'm not sure what your experience was, but yeah it's pretty damn left leaning. However Lemmy is on another level. I never heard of the expression tankie before, until I came to Lemmy. Now I see that label being thrown around all over the place.
Im all about seizing the means of production for the proletariat and giving freedoms, equality, and justice to the working class and minorities, but people here are more about just transferring power to government bureaucrats and casting out anyone who isn't some die hard communist that will parrot anything for the state.
I don't even really want to tell people to come to Lemmy because of how much of a bubble/circlejerk Lemmy is in half the time.
I agree with you there. I consider myself a fairly liberal person, but man, Lemmy can be on another level sometimes.
Yeah I did all that. They just don't deploy when I load up Starfield.
What mods are you using/have? The Script extender says in the readme that Game pass is not supported.
I never knew what a tankie was until I came to Lemmy... now I see it everywhere. It's gross...