DQ5 wasn't the first generation game or the first monster-catching game, but it was one of the earlier games to offer either and AFAIK the first game to offer both.
That looks like the point. They brought in using health to boost and spinning from F-Zero X, so just surviving to the finish line takes some skill and discipline.
If you have one part of the Masamune, go to Porre and ask around.
If you have two parts of the Masamune, an in-game cutscene told you to visit Melchior, near Medina.
The old guy at the End of Time will often give you a useful hint if you're lost.
Cash bail is giving the court a lot of money as a pledge that you will show up for your trial. If you show up, you get the money back. The point is that it's a life-changing amount of money and losing it would be worse than the consequences of being convicted.
Non-cash bail is mostly promising to show up for your court date and not commit any more crimes in the meantime, but there can be restrictions like wearing an ankle monitor and not leaving the state.
Nothing else reaches the same quality as Chrono Trigger in the same way. You have to settle for lower quality with similar pacing, or try to reach the same level of quality in a different way.
Similar pacing, lower quality: Phantasy Star IV, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy IV
Comparable quality, different style: Earthbound, Final Fantasy VII (FF6 is the real answer, but FF7 is the most similar game to FF6)
Similar aspects, lower quality: Dragon Quest IV, Radical Dreamers & Chrono Cross, possibly Radiant Historia
Sweden was rather like that until 30 years ago, but had a financial crisis and ran out of money to support its welfare system. That's always the problem, isn't it?
I don't have any bright new ideas to make a welfare system that provides as much as people want while being cheap enough to afford during a financial crash. But I hope whoever does gets it implemented.
Sometime in the 2010s -- maybe the 2000s but it got a lot bigger in the 2010s -- a lot of progressives got the idea that being right gave them a license to be as rude as they liked that did not extend to their opponents. It might have come from reasonable ideas like "I should get to be as rude as the dominant group is" and "if white nationalists are finding success by being crude, we should try too", but like all too many progressive ideas it became a way to vent their spleen and fight for social standing among progressive friends.
The real thing wrong with Hexbear is that their favorite sports are brigading, trolling, and namecalling. As you'd expect from that list they are also pro-authoritarian.
Nah, I meant to say heterosexual and had a brain fart. Basically, someone who came out of the birth canal with a low score in the Oppression Olympics.
Well, here are a few that are controversial with the extreme left:
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are good things. While I can't ask the state to let itself be overthrown by ignoring ideological/religious/personality-cult calls to revolt, I don't want a narrowly defined state ideology used as a tool of court politics like Iran or the USSR.
When collective rights conflict with individual rights, I'm mostly in favor of individual rights. If a local group pops up that takes a married woman's property and gives it to her husband, bans divorce, and lets husbands beat their wives, I want my government to use laws mandating equality against them instead of give them communal autonomy. I don't care what color their skin is or what language they speak.
There is no good reason to believe that true communism will ever work for a group bigger than 10,000 people. I'm being generous because I'm not certain it has worked for 3,000. Also, true communism will be very hard to sustain in a commune that reproduces itself by birth to current members if the children have anywhere else to go. Communes that reproduce by attracting new members instead of by birth to current members, a.k.a. monasteries, can sustain communism indefinitely. (Buddhist monasteries have had very large populations, but it's rarely clear at a glance whether the monastery feeds the monks or if they have to work for their own food.)
The more a group trumpets "diversity" and "tolerance", the less tolerance they have for diversity of thought and view. They're overjoyed to recruit any color or shape of body so long as the mind inside toes the party line.
Anarchy (actual lack of a state) is the best friend patriarchy could want. A band of brothers makes a powerful coalition to rob and kill others, or on the flipside to protect their blood relatives. That puts a lot of power into the hands of grandfathers who have a posse of grandsons to fight for the family and can refuse to defend you if you don't obey.
Communist rule has been excellent for education, basic health care, and redistributing the wealth present when the Communists were elected. But it's been poor for increasing wealth.
You used "we". Who is "we"? The rest of the discussion implies that "we" means "we Hexbear users".
So here's a better question: how can a White, cisgender, ~~cissexual~~ hererosexual man politically to the right of Bernie Sanders disagree with you without being a bigot or a fascist?
Do today's tankies have a habit of moving on to right-wing totalitarian movements like their 1930s predecessors? I ask because talking them out of Leninism could be an own goal if they move to a movement that's more dangerous.