Top 10 Cum Blasts You WONT BELIEVE (subscrab)
All of the biggest surveillance tracking was under the guise of anti-theft. Lojack, Intel ME anti theft, etc
"It's for your own good. trust us, we promise it's only for good stuff"
money laundering is a big bad no-no word that THEY have stigmatized (conditional brainwashing) in order to get every day people to SUPPORT their regime of THEFT and CONTROL.
"You are trying to keep your money to yourself and stop us from seeing it so that we can't steal some of it and punish you for using it how you like??? You're a MONEY LAUNDERER. Money laundering Money laundering Money laundering"
When you control money, you control minds, livelihoods, and monopolize fear itself.
DivestOS is the proper Lineage fork for that
Also doesnt describe the details of how they do it, as if they dont care
the best answer
msn. so retro.
both suck when it comes to real hardcore privacy! Signal is surely a bit more private/secure/whatever, unless maybe you count in the US jurisdiction.
if you want hardcore privacy and security, use SimpleX. it's cutting edge.
I disagree. add privacy to existing popular currencies is good (like LTC added MW) but making new ones, not so much. otherwise the anonymity set among the community becomes much more fragmented for individual currencies
check out PicoCrypt
you can't have both privacy and total convenience