I always loved the opening animation to Mystery! on pbs in the 80s,and this feels like a cut scene from it,and I love it
Shit,that sounds tasty. I gotta try that sometime.
For me,,its just hand it to me. No keyword necessary. It'll be the birth of a second sun.
Uh,were gonna need a bigger boat.
Upvoted,for sure,because why not?
Always have been.
Not with that attitude.
I would say "yes"
What's interesting to me,is with no context,we don't know if its male or female. Its just a nipple. No sex,gender,body attached. Just a nipple. Its not offensive,just a piece of skin. So can everybody throwing a fit about women need to cover up,please sit down and shut up?
Because in the womb,the person develops with both genders,then settles on one(why women have a clitoris,it would have became a penis). Men kept the nipples when they developed male. As George Carlin put it"congratulations guys,you're a biological afterthought." (Also I am not a doctor/biologist,and that is a stupid simple breakdown of development. The Carlin quote is accurate-ish,though.)
I always thought of the patch of grass ripped out by the club when driving the ball. Always wondered how those short prongs would fix that big of a patch. TIL