Some great names. Sneutrino, zino, wino
Hey, I turned my PlayStation on the other day
But then it had to update :(
If I'm smart enough to get stuck in the peer review process I will absolutely just say fuck you
Not a bad idea, but . . . classic, really? At least get something with flavor
I'm not sure I like my factory defaults anymore
The first time I heard the term gooey it was from someone I don't like so now I can't stand it. All I can think about is buying that dude a toothbrush, but then he'd probably go on about how toothbrushes are actually bad for your health.
Are ya ready kids!
Currently working on the second option. I bet if money was taken out of the equation the industry would change pretty quick, but then the billionaires wouldn't get their precious yearly raise.
They went to the panel to learn how to use it properly
Burger: No wrong way to swallow, feels more legit on the 'ol tongue, twice the quantity of "value size"
Thankfully, no. I actually can eat, it's just very not fun and there's like a 50/50 chance of throwing up. The doctors just keep telling me to change my diet like that'll solve everything (it won't, I tried).
Both are great insults