[-] [email protected] 83 points 7 months ago

I still don't understand why he committed suicide-by-Putin.

Did he really have more influence as a martyr in prison than a free man in exile?

[-] [email protected] 48 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Dealing with it.

Weather gets hotter, more people get A/C. Disasters get more frequent, more people get fucked by disasters.

Areas become less habitable, some people die, some people deal, some people flee. Migration gets more pressing? Borders get closed with increasingly violent measures.

We just had inflation make life 10% more expensive in many countries. Life went on. That's about the impact of climate change people in "rich" western countries can expect from climate change, except it will happen more slowly.

As much as climate doomers would hope for collapse, climate change is a slow moving disaster. Humans are adaptable, especially when there is time to adapt. Even the more pessimistic among the realistic/scientific predictions are on the "life will get X% worse" side, not "doom, we all die, no food no water" side.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 9 months ago

I'm not gonna risk my computer by turning off my ad blocker, but I wonder if that article comes with exactly the kind of chumbox ads that they're rightfully criticizing.

[-] [email protected] 55 points 9 months ago

The baked in garbage is a result of you using shitty sources, possibly because there are few good sources available and thus you find more of the shitty ones.

Usually while the movie is not released digitally, only low quality copies are available. Many sites/groups don't bother with those because few people want to watch that.

I'd just wait for the release. You'll instantly find stuff that's not just clean, but also in a decent quality.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 10 months ago

Oof. "Subtly" threatening allies that the refugees they accepted (usually with very generous arrangements to make it easier to get in) might become a threat unless Ukraine receives continuing support doesn't sound like a smart move.

[-] [email protected] 220 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

How online ads actually work.

Very simplified TLDR: you visit a news site. They load an ad network and tell it "put ads here, here and here".

The ad network now tells 300 companies (seriously, look at the details of some cookie consent dialogs) that you visited that news site so they can bid for the right to shove an ad in your face.

One of them goes "I know this guy, they're an easy mark for scams according to my tracking, I'll pay you 0.3 cents to shove this ad in their face". Someone else yells "I know this guy, he looked at toasters last week, I want to pay 0.2 cents to show him toaster ads just in case he hasn't bought one yet."

The others bid less, so that scam ad gets shoved in your face.

That's extremely simplified of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_bidding has a bit more of an explanation.

[-] [email protected] 78 points 10 months ago

Y2038 is my "retirement plan".

(Y2K, i.e. the "year 2000 problem", affected two digit date formats. Nothing bad happened, but consensus nowadays is that that wasn't because the issue was overblown, it's because the issue was recognized and seriously addressed. Lots of already retired or soon retiring programmers came back to fix stuff in ancient software and made bank. In 2038, another very common date format will break. I'd say it's much more common than 2 digit dates, but 2 digit dates may have been more common in 1985. It's going to require a massive remediation effort and I hope AI-assisted static analysis will be viable enough to help us by then.)

[-] [email protected] 46 points 10 months ago

For anyone wondering: still significantly above the pre-war price

This brings the continent closer to the traditional patterns seen before the pandemic when prices, sustained by Russia's abundant and cheap deliveries, used to reliably range between €15 and €25 MWh.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 10 months ago

Forbes is just a blogging platform where "contributors" can post their clickbait. Forbes adds their reputation and the ads and then splits the profit with the "contributor"...

[-] [email protected] 160 points 11 months ago

Absolutely not. They have way more money than they can sensibly spend, keep begging for more as if they could barely keep the lights on (they could probably easily keep the core mission going with about 10% of the money they're getting), and then expand their spending to match the donations they collected.

They then created an endowment (i.e. a pile of wealth that generates enough interest to sustain them indefinitely), using both additional donations and some of the money given to Wikimedia (which reduces the apparent amount of money they spend and is not listed as money Wikipedia/Wikimedia has, as it is accounted for separately). The $100M endowment was planned to take 10 years to build, got completed in 2021, five years before schedule. Wikimedia also has a separate cash hoard of almost a quarter billion dollars.

It's actually all in their article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation#Finances

[-] [email protected] 148 points 1 year ago

As usual, it's not a shortage of talent, it's a shortage of talent willing to be exploited.

The article explicitly explains that they "needed" to hire 25 foreign workers to deal with the shortage... after they made 50 local workers quit by cutting pay.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Drei der bekannten Twitter-Kanäle, die Ukraine-News gepostet haben, habe ich jetzt auf Mastodon wiedergefunden:

Gibt's noch andere (auf Mastodon, nicht beim Vogel der einen Vogel hat)?

[-] [email protected] 50 points 1 year ago

My guesses, in this order:

  1. Confirmation bias
  2. Carbon monoxide or mental health issues on your side (I'm being serious, don't rule it out).
  3. Some low tech way (you're speaking very loudly, you somehow managed to broadcast to their Bluetooth speaker)

With a strong likelihood of it being 1, slightly less 2, unlikely 3 or anything else.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When I click a link to the Fediverse, it opens in my web browser. Firefox offers an "open in app" feature if an app is installed that supports the current URL. Jerboa supports most instances, Connect doesn't seem to.

This would also allow users to (manually in the settings) set links to open in Connect by default.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you want to fill the gap on your home screen where rif was (RIP and thank you!), I have made good experiences with Connect for Lemmy: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kuroneko.lemmy_connect (was not too happy with Jerboa).

The content is not the same but already good enough for bored scrolling.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(inspired by a question on reddit, I'll post a reply too)

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