In general, not enough research is done on longterm health, especially since maintaining longterm access to healthcare can be difficult for many. but here is one study on it:
The main reason is the Monroe Doctrine. The United States literally made it its business to terrorize any "communist" state, even if it's democratically elected. That breeds the conditions for paranoia, the desire for increased protection, etc.
But, in the context of endgame scenarios against dictators, the main factor usually is how the military responds, especially when asked to brutalize the population. If the military parts ways, they may start a coup of their own or they may (rarely) defer to the population.
So, by extrapolation, I imagine it's also true here: other powerful factions allow it because it opens opportunities for them to garner more power too. Business execs, politicians, and military officials alike are duking it out for influence amongst themselves as well.
yes it's a very pretty skirt
not one that I've gotten but one that isn't discussed much is urinary and fecal incontinence with longterm use due to pelvic floor atrophy
I'm late but you wanna call poison control in this situation. The wait time is very short, and they're super nice. I recently had a similar situation. They called me every few hours to check on me after giving me instructions. If you have an iPhone, you can tell Siri to call poison control. The number is built in.
lmfao i love karma
i recently finished carol and the end of the world. i enjoyed it but not at first. i found the protagonist nearly insufferable, not immediately, but after some time. i think it's kind of intentional, and the writers provide relief thankfully. it was worth watching.
sweet thanks!