It's a reference to a movie she likes, Inside Out.
I ask my four year old if anger is at the control panel when she is starting to have a tantrum and it has actually been working to defuse the tantrums before they really get going.
I'm guessing this person thinks the statues are all identical and totally prove some ancient global civilization.
You need to start calling her at midnight on your drive home just to chat. I used to do that to those people when I did the night shift.
I can handle the lack of punctuation. His sentence structure is the bigger challenge for me.
The only thing crazier to me than American healthcare is how many of my fellow Canadians keep pushing for us to have this bullshit, too.
I wonder how well it works, though. Us millennials played in the McDonald's playgrounds and had birthday parties there but I don't think McDonald's is particularly popular with us as adults.
Nothing comes close to making my children laugh as much as that game. I love when they play it.
So many movies and tv shows lately feel like they were written by ai.
I'm Canadian in a place with a decent amount of snow and it's cold for like six months of the year. I love summer.
I do live near a popular cottage area so the downside to summer is all the asshole cottagers who tailgate aggressively if you aren't driving 30km/hr or more over the speed limit.
My husband and I were 26 and we are the youngest we typically come across. Most were closer to 30 or in their 30s.