Probably no one should live in Arizona anyway, given the course we are on climate wise.
The web interface also works just fine
Ummm…I guess we are at an impasse then?
I’m sorry to say your thought is incorrect. I was using this definition: amoral - having no moral standards, restraints, or principles; unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong.
To expand on this, I was implying that morality is simply not a factor in their actions.
They don’t sell that kind
The Supreme Court just straight up violated Federal Law. I'm floored right now. Just absolutely floored. I thought this was SO clear-cut, that even THIS court could not possibly justify a ruling like this. What....what do we even do at this point?
I am shocked that a gun company would do anything amoral.
Tech companies suck
I am starting with a good rip of the 4K release. (Not a lossless rip, because I suspect the file sizes would be bonkers). I used handbrake to convert it to mP4. I edit it in iMovie and add the titles there (it's challenging, because you are really limited in how much you can customize the titles. I export the clip as an Mp4, then I convert it in Gifski, where I set it to output something in the range of a 3-5 MB file.
I would need to know more about your use case