
joined 4 years ago

For those who didn't play the game, the whole point of that segment was that even the most pristine, idyllic image of the Nazi-envisioned world reserved for the upper crusts of Americana and their useful servants sucks to live in. You listen into conversations which highlight the constant sense of dread and anxiety of maintaining their place in an ever-shrinking hierarchical strata. There's an upcoming "Changeover Day" which, in the words of the that one Nazi chatting with two Klan members, will "separate the wheat from the chaff". I'm pretty sure either the anime pfp Nazi never played the game or did but convinced themselves they'd thrive in this scenario.

The game was peak lib most of the time but it was quite poignant with its themes on Fascism and its American roots. It's a shame that the game that followed it up was so bad.



ukkk :skkkotland: israel-cool

I suppose all those dead Irish, Indians, Africans, and Arabs don’t count.


Figured we all here could use just a bit of Hopium since the last few days have been torment (bearing in mind that the two million souls in Gaza are the ones suffering, first and foremost). In trying times, just as we see the ugliness of the world, we also see genuine moments of tenderness and solidarity.

This isn't an isolated incident, either. In spite of the efforts of Western "democracies" and their oligarchs to clamp down on them, there have been numerous protests and marches (of varying efficiency albeit, but it's a step) of proportions that would have been unheard of the first time the Empire licked its fangs for a conflict in the Middle East. Even within the Israeli metropole, some sizeable groups of Israeli Jews have been expressing solidarity with Palestinians, enough to warrant the Zionist state to sick the pigs on them.

To me, these days have highlighted just how much humankind is caged by a fundamentally anti-human world system that's reeling from its innumerable contradictions. Capital is overbearing and almighty, but it isn't going to be here forever so long as our species struggles and pulls through. There's a world worth saving underneath these disgusting chains, and something's got to give. There are avenues to try and make a splash, no matter how small (petition groups, aid, groups like the DSA and PSL et all) if you're worried about attending protests.

Apologies if this comes off as preachy cope. Just wanted to spread some positivity here for once since I largely post in the dunk tank. I'm grateful for this site and the comrades here who help keep me sane amidst all of this.




“Palestinians have tried everything. Israel keeps trying to ethnically cleanse them” “They haven’t but I wish they did”

I’m too tired to try to deeply psychoanalyze this or whatever but it feels like they deep down understand their position relies on defense of Empire and presupposition of their monopoly of violence against rowdy upstarts, and when backed into a corner they start running their mouths without the usual window dressing.


Mao Zedong when he suddenly finds out the KMT that had been slaughtering communists in a civil war before the Japanese invasion forced them into a United Front was actually anticommunist: “Welp, pack it home fellas, this changes everything. Best let the Chinese people become slaves to a foreign invader.”



The fact that there are some comments by libs seething over an obvious shitpost and trying to call out the OP as a le gasp tankie makes this so much better.



You don’t get to bitch and moan about le evil Soviet Empire when you’ve been an enthusiastic collaborator of the American Empire since the Warsaw Pact collapsed.

All the while, it’s an advanced level of tone deaf to be talking about how evil the Soviets were to the countries whose independence movements were greatly bolstered by Soviet aid.



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