I'm double knitting Autumn Doodle charts by Jamie Lomax (Pacific Knit Co) to make my kids Halloween-y scarves (they didn't want loops). Some of the charts are from the autumn doodle expansion and the mountain doodle. (Edit to add link)
You know how GC swabs are color coded, pink for female (swab is quite large) and blue for male (swab is very small).... I received a pink swab on a male patient from the ER >.<
I see a use case for both. Sometimes, the rando in the picture tells a part of the story and I want them to be there. Other times, one rando in the shot stands between me and my postcard perfect picture (and that guy did it like 5 times!). You betcha I'm taking the magic eraser to that guy and saving both versions of the picture. That guy made it in into a bunch of our pictures which is funny and was a part of the trip but I want the post card shot too.
The random replacement of letters with X has me twitching.... WHY?! There's no logic to it....
No accent, but phrases have become part of our lexicon.
I do this for lunches at work and call them grown up lunchables
Medical Laboratory Scientist (blood banker) checking in
Yay! My people on Lemmy!
I have dropped a DPN on my ferry ride.... It's a cramped, stay seated the whole time experience. Trying the wiggle around to the point that I could get it while bouncing around... Do not recommend