Full moons do not have an impact on people with mental illness, make weird things happen, increase work load, or increase the chance of going into labor. I have worked in three separate hospitals in three separate states and the consensus is: full moons bring out the crazies and the babies.
My freshman year of college (mumble mumble 21 years ago), one of my friends was knitting during finals week. I asked her what she was doing and why? Knitting and because it relieved stress. I asked her to teach me; studying paused. We got a skein of yarn and the needles it said to use. She taught me stockinette and cut me loose to make a scarf (which I still have).
Everything else, I've learned from YouTube and various websites. Knitty and Studio Knit were my main tutorial resources in the early years. Knit Picks and Purl Soho are sites I've added to my resource list over the years. My sister has started knitting since I started but no one else in my family knits so I don't have that resource. Many of my friends knit and we bounce ideas and patterns off each other. Ravelry helped me go DEEP down the rabbit hole on patterns and yarn.
Labs will actually request their male employees to provide the urine 🤣🫣. No testing or quality control to confirm the presence of Sda in the urine (which is weird and sketchy). Typically, the sample is divided into vials and frozen. When the vials get too old someone will go find another male employee to provide a sample. In my 16 years of being a MLS, I have never had to do this (thankfully). I did work for a supervisor who asked male employees for urine (even though we have never needed it).
It is one of those things MLS learn in school and have to know to pass our certification exam. 98% of us will never use it again. Pigeon egg whites is another WTF blood bank "reagent".
Skip to the second section if you are a Medical Laboratory Scientist. I don't know your background and don't want to assume and insult your intelligence. There are more blood Antigens and Antibodies than a person's ABO blood type. To give a person blood, we (Medical Laboratory Scientists) must test the patient's blood to determine their ABO and Rh (O Positive, A Negative etc) and screen for unexpected antibodies. If they have unexpected antibodies, we do additional testing to identify the antibody. Lastly, we have to test that THIS unit of blood is safe for THIS patient. The organization that collected the blood (American Red Cross, Vitalant, etc) tested it to ensure it is safe for transfusion (negative for bacteria and viruses) but not every unit is safe for every patient. Blood Bank is the department responsible for all of this testing.
Anti-Sda is an antibody that gives reactions that are all over the place. This makes it difficult to identify any other antibodies present. Sda antigen is present in urine and textbooks say to use male urine (free of other interfering substances, increased likelihood of being Sda antigen positive, increased antigen concentration compared to female, I don't know). Adding Sda positive urine to the patient plasma prior to testing will neutralize the Sda antibody. The antibody binds to the urine antigen (like an adsorption) allowing you to get reactions without interference. Now you can identify any other antibodies and confirm the presence of anti-Sda.
Booo to being too ill to knit! I hope you recover quickly.
My progress so far on my cowl. I may switch to the infinity loop (remove the purl band and graft the ends together).
Beautiful work! I love Skeindeer's patterns and this is one of the ones in my favorites. Get well soon!
They are all about the same. Most I have seen are from the 60s but they were manufactured 1961-1975. From my excursion down the rabbit hole, pink and blue are easily found but the champagne color was difficult to find.
I love my safety razor. Go with one that has a longer handle. I have a vintage Lady Gillette Starburst razor that I picked up on eBay. It's a super close shave. I stay smoother a couple of days longer than I did with cartridge razors. It completely got rid of shave bumps and my skin irritation that was driving me crazy. West Coast shaving sells blade sample packs so you can try a bunch and pick the one you like most.
Fwiw safety razor shaving is a deep deep rabbit hole. You will drop a bunch of money up front but the benefits are great. Some people get into it to save money (it is cheaper than cartridge shaving) but then they turn into collectors with bunches of razors and a huge array of shaving soaps, creams, and after shaves. You don't HAVE to go that deep.
I generally don't knit Christmas gifts 🫣. I don't start early enough and I don't have the bandwidth. End of year is stressful enough at work herding grown ass adults to complete their annual competency assessments before 12/31 because everyone puts it off instead of working on them throughout year.
I typically give out apple butter or jam and handmade soap.
The first part is what my husband tells me.
I do recognize that Medical Laboratory Scientists are a very superstitious lot especially funny since our degree and certification include Scientist. Don't say it's slow or quiet because it's getting to get stupid busy (and everyone will blame you). Don't run quality control more than required because you are tempting failure and will have to do a look back of all the testing to make sure it was accurate. We jokingly put an elf on the shelf out that had FDA written on the hat and the FDA showed up for an unannounced inspection a week later. I'm a Lead and every time I bring my Lead work to the bench with me, we get so busy with patient samples and orders that I can't touch it. All are definitely confirmation bias situations.