That’s some drawbridge level thinking right there. Are you not also part of the problem? Because they arrived after you… they’re the problem? People moved there for jobs, same as anyone else who moved there. (For what it’s worth I don’t live in Seattle)
It’s the bigger ones that tend to pay in stock. The googles, facebooks, Microsoft, and startups.
I’ve also been in software development for 20 years at various places in the country and I know a bunch of folks who get paid in stock.
I would argue that this law does tend to unfairly target the tech sector which often pays their people in stock. This is compared to other professions who may make an equivalent or higher salary but will not be subject to the 7 percent tax.
That doesn’t seem quite fair. If we’re going to do this, we should have a 7 percent tax across the board for anything over 250k (or whatever) instead of strictly targeting a particular sector
Holy crap! That’s nuts! Hopefully they come back down for you
Has the price gone up? I bought one for each family member a couple years ago when they were getting rid of old stock. They were pretty cheap at the time. What’s the going rate?
The author calls it satire…. but it seems more like they’re genuinely upset about the quality of these minis.
Is this like when kids say something scathing and end it with “just kidding”?
Playing the windows version on Linux doesn’t really support Microsoft. It’s not like on the consoles where they get a cut of the sales. Even playing directly on windows isn’t that terrible. I don’t remember the last time I purchased a copy of windows. I’ve been using the same key for like 15 years now
Hadn’t considered pepitas but that sounds like an excellent addition!
Thanks for the list! I bought one from an affiliate link!
Not that it matters but I think you filed the post under October 26th instead of September 26th
I felt the ending was a let down that didn’t really make any sense… it also is a cliffhanger and I’m not sure this season did well enough to warrant a second season… and they commit the taboo of killing pets for shock value…
On the bright side, some actors really do shine and the plot is engaging. Took me an episode to get over some of the overacting and cheesy soundtrack. I’d give it a 6/10
Just bottled soda for me!
According to, Microsoft grants about 50-100k (25 percent of their pay?) in stock for their senior engineers each year. Amazon is closer to 200k (which makes up about 50 percent of their pay)
I guess you’re right in that it won’t really affect them, assuming the tax event occurs when the rsu gets vested and not at the sale.
It’d be more likely to affect folks who are in a pre-ipo company, gain a bunch of stock, and then sell it post-ipo. I know several folks at AirBnB who this would have impacted and several at stripe who this probably will impact.