HR update:
If death of an employee is certain, ensure employee positions their body as shown in figure 1. If positioned correctly, spasms from the deceased can be capitalized on to produce additional value for the company post mortem.
HR update:
If death of an employee is certain, ensure employee positions their body as shown in figure 1. If positioned correctly, spasms from the deceased can be capitalized on to produce additional value for the company post mortem.
Disability, time, supplies, weather, no safe route...
Killing a bunch of poor people in war isn't going to save the planet. And countless animals die and have their habitats destroyed. Earth would benefit from a lot less wealthy humans.
Can't pay the fine, believe it or not, jail.
That's a good outlook to have. Best of luck to you.
Yeah, I'm in my 40s and just now being tested. Based on the one test I did, it seems I probably have it. If I do it will explain a lot of my struggles, but thinking about all that lost time being untreated is gonna tear me up a bit. I always heard ADHD was one of those made up illnesses and all boys are hyper, and I believed that for a long time.
It's getting to the point that you can't sleep anywhere legally unless you're paying someone for the space you're occupying. Most of the cities near me have destroyed the woods that homeless people lived in, forcing them to move and leaving behind a weird ass looking stand of trees.
I used to work with homeless people and as much as being outside sucks, shelters can be worse. We had people in their 70s who went to shelters and slept on the floor, their heads almost touching their neighbors. They had their meds stolen and had to sleep on top of their belongings to keep them safe. A lot of people chose to sleep outside in the summer because they felt safer.
Yes, but if it's criminalized you get to remove the eyesore of struggling poor people with the added benefit of fines and imprisonment.
Not sure that I have ADHD, but when I remember to, I put the empty bottle on the floor outside of the shower. I still forget or can't deal with it when I get out sometimes, but it won't sit on the floor indefinitely like it will if left in the shower.
I worked at a MSP as a tier I tech that was like this. Their yearly revenue was like $360 million dollars and they held quarterly meetings telling us about the big promotions for upper levels, and how they're doing better than ever because of remote work due to the pandemic. They paid people starting $16 an hour. I was making $18 when I left. A 1 bedroom was about $1200 a month, and that was on the lower end. I kept asking for more and telling them I could work at a gas station and make the same. They bought us pizza once a week and they'd take us to a bar a couple times a year and my bosses would get shit faced. When "important" people came they had nice food catered and made us stay in cubicle land until everyone left and we were allowed to have the scraps. They still wanted us to dress up, though. Fuck corporations. I'm trying to leave the one I'm in now.
There were a lot of positions other than RNs that are disgustingly under paid and over worked, like CNAs.