My Internet here is like 1-3 Mbps if I'm lucky because I have 2 shitty options. Launch some more of these fuckers up there so I can have useful Internet.
After 3 weeks you just make you some easy peeling hardboiled eggs and pickle them.
I got a permaban for posting a link to Trevor Moore's song time for guillotines in response to a guy asking for song recommendations for some random mandatory work bullshit where they are force to chose a song to play.... apparently the word "guillotine" is the reddit equivalent to running over a baby with a lawn mower. I had no warnings or anything on that account, just poof permaban.
"appeal" just means you are gonna waste time typing a message to a smelly incel dog walker on a power trip that isn't gonna read it. Fuck that place.
Sounds like you just might be fairly unpleasant to talk to.
The tv will pull out or the frame will pull out with a good tug. Make it happen don't be afraid, worst case you just tell them it fell off and hurt your foot and you get a upgrade
I remember being young taking my boaters safety course and having to take this section over three times. Why does left and right stop existing once you are on a floating pos?
How is bing still trying to make bing happen?
Shotguns ftw
Says the autist arguing about internets.
Anon was talking to internet hookers again.
Fuck all those old sacks of ass.