[-] Pika 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

Very true, I was meaning more from a users standpoint, they spend money on the posts for people to see it, if everyone leaves they won't spend money on it, and what little advertisers they have left will bail or lower what they are willing to pay as well.

I really do think his end goal is just a full shutdown, but he wants to do it a little at a time because if he just nukes it, one he's out a lot of money

[-] Pika 1 points 13 hours ago

I hard disagree with that actually, there are a lot of people on the platform that Karma dive and intentionally try to do post that will up their interaction. But if you remove those systems then they're not going to care about the platform anymore. Not that those people are adding good content to the platform in the first place but they will leave the platform to find other areas due to this change

[-] Pika 6 points 13 hours ago

how the hell are they going to judge engagement, like that's the number one thing most of their user base wants is the ability to feel special and popular

[-] Pika 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

man this states barely got electricity and internet up here and people be trying to get drone shows lmao.

It'll be another 5-10 years before its mainstream here

[-] Pika 2 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

To me the graphics are turn off for me, just judging by trailer you have very old style Graphics which are cool so like your town and your party is a rimworld style Graphics which I'm on board with and then you go out on the trail and suddenly you have full-on shadered water and an actual detailed scenery background, but your party is still in that old style graphics? I'm really hoping they ironed that out before launch because it looks absolutely horrible

[-] Pika 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Honestly I think instead of banning non-competes they should just make it a hard requirement that a non-compete must be X percentage(no smaller then 30 or 40%) of your salary per year for the non-compete. Which in my opinion is fair because the entire point of a non-compete because you know information that a competitor could use that would give them a financial advantage so it makes sense that they would have to pay for your silence that you're not going to give that information away. If a company is saying they're not willing to pay that money that means the information you know isn't enough for them to care about so a non-compete shouldn't be in place in the first place

Like I've seen it non-compete clauses for web designers, which I find absolutely fucking ridiculous because there is little nothing that a web developer should be able to learn about a company that would financially harm it by going elsewhere, it's clear in those cases that those complete clauses are exclusively there as a trap to try to make it so their devs don't leave. The arguments those companies use is that there's financial incentive for that compromise. So a "well yeah you can do non-competes but they must be paid" will more or less blow their entire argument out of the water.

Personally I think if something similar like that gets implemented, you'll see a lot of the jobs that currently have a non-compete as part of their onboarding process will magically lose that as a requirement

[-] Pika 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

I more or less agree with that, it's just I do know there will be people that wanted to vote exclusively Biden who will no longer vote because it wouldn't be biden. And I believe it's going to put the Democratic Party in the same situation the Republican party was when Trump originally started running again where it will basically split the party only this time instead of it happening super early in the campaign cycle it will happen super late in the campaign cycle therefore wouldn't have the time to mend itself. Especially with him sharing similar ideologies with his campaign interests and not dropping

[-] Pika 5 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

You are missing part of that definition the full definition is as follows

something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest

A clickbait does not have to have information that contains dubious value or interest, it just frequently does.

You could make it seem less click baity by removing the question part of the title, have the title be a statement instead of something that forces the reader to have to try to answer the question.

Please note that I'm referring exclusivley to what the title of this post is, the actual video linked seems to have a good title because it's very clear going into it when it's going to be about. The linked videos title is kind of clickbait but I think since it ends with rumors and speculations and it's very clearly showing an opinionated background that is fine.

That being said, I liked the video, thank you for it.

[-] Pika 31 points 17 hours ago

this all the way. I have very vocally stated there needs to be an age ceiling on positions, there is age floors, there is zero reasons not to have an age ceiling.

[-] Pika 13 points 17 hours ago

it's fear mostly. If the democrat candidate changed this late in the run, it significantly lessens the chance that the party will win, and to a lot of them, they see it as a "I can't vote for trump" type vote. Personally I feel if he drops out now, the party wouldn't recover in time for election cycle which would basically give trump the win.

[-] Pika 2 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

I have attempted every solution I have found so far on remapping the channels for my headset including adding specific device profiles for it, none of worked so far. My current solution is patchwork that was supposed to split them by adding a device profile that knows how the device is to separate them(because it uses a dual channel layout, one stereo one mono iirc with one being chat and the other game), but it lacks the ability to handle/process those channels as a whole so I only can use one of the two channels at a time but since I at least have one channel that's functional I have mostly given up on it. It's just annoying cause that was the main reason for getting this headset, the ability to have a chat mixer to change voice call volume and game volume separately, it's one of the few things that worked flawlessly on windows that I have been unable to get to work on the new system. I'm glad that you could find a solution that worked for you though, I have had no luck lol

that being said, if you know of a non-cli method of setting up pulseaudio custom profiles, I'm down to try that as well, maybe I just screwed my custom profiles up somewhere.

[-] Pika 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

GTA 5 is one of the worst easily, as someone who really doesn't give a shit about multiplayer, there really isn't much for me to do in it lol

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