joined 1 year ago
[–] PiJiNWiNg 3 points 5 months ago

Right there with you! Rooks teletubby level CGI mouth was an immediate immersion breaker. When i heard this movie was taking place between Alien and Aliens, I was really hoping we'd see the story of the how the colony on LV-426 finally came across the eggs and got destroyed. Instead it feels like i got a slightly different version of the first movie with a bigger budget and the same ending.

Further, i hate how she was able to kill the gravity and smoke a colony worth of xenomorphs. Forget that a single xenomorph has presented huge problems for people in other movies, but why do they all the sudden forget they were clinging to walls and that they have prehensile tails when the gravity runs off? Ruined how scary they were supposed to be.

[–] PiJiNWiNg 6 points 5 months ago (1 children)

More like bullshit tasks

[–] PiJiNWiNg 8 points 5 months ago

So frustrating seeing this shit. I simply dont understand how this type of language is allowed to be present in T&Cs.

[–] PiJiNWiNg 1 points 5 months ago

If we take a cue from dark matter, they could just not interact with the EM spectrum but still have mass

[–] PiJiNWiNg 1 points 5 months ago

So strange to come across this as I've been pondering this very thing for a few weeks. Still pretty half baked, and I'm goimg to skip some detail for brevity, but here goes. Behold...


A fluid, decentralized form of government somewhat inspired by the FEMA Incident Command System. It would be designed to facilitate temporary, task-specific governmental structures that are stood up and torn down as community needs arise. National baseline laws would be established to prevent confusion when traversing the country, and a legal framework established to ensure laws are consistent across the nation and no regional law conflicts with, or supercedes the law of, the larger region. Healthy food, clean water, housing, education and some form of internet connection would be considered rights. This system would rely heavily on digital participation, so open source technological development (particularly in cybersecurity) would be heavily subsidized. Establishing a secure digital identity would be needed for each citizen to participate in the governmental process, so likely using some form of blockchain tech.

The land mass of the country would be segmented into a heirarchical grid with a certain minimum resolution (I donno, 100m?) but when mapping a "decision region", preference would be given to inclusion. For example, if a neighborhood wants a new road, you'd "paint over" the people and areas affected by the road, and expand the edges to cleanly fill a square (not sure I'm explaining this right, but oh well).

I imagine an annual "Call for Change Day" across all regions, allowing people to bring forward proposals for new laws or adjustments to existing laws. Those proposals would be submitted online, and could be easily browsed and voted on, (if pertaining to your region). Transparency is emphasized.

Thats about all I can think of right now.

Not sure if ita necessarily true, but it seems that organizations have a tendency to become more susceptible to corruption and bureaucracy the longer they stick around, no matter their purpose (governments, unions, HOAs, etc). This idea aims to prevent this by eliminating the need for career politicians (as all decisions are made jointly by those diectly impacted), and through systematic deconstruction of governmwntal structures before theyve had time to bloat and fester.

Imterested to hear everyones thoughts! On mobile, so please excuse formatting/grammatical errors.

[–] PiJiNWiNg 1 points 5 months ago

Niagra is also where ive landed. Took considerable time before i felt used to it, but its been solid so far.

[–] PiJiNWiNg 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

One of my favorite action movies, Dredd (2012)

[–] PiJiNWiNg 2 points 5 months ago
[–] PiJiNWiNg 4 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Now i want to see bryan cranston play a live action flanders

[–] PiJiNWiNg 45 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Reddit is leaking, lol

[–] PiJiNWiNg 13 points 6 months ago

They're to increase surface area on the barrel to radiate heat more effectively.

[–] PiJiNWiNg 1 points 6 months ago

Borderlands 3! Admittedly its not the best of the series, but the couch co-op experience was great. I tried BL2 in couch co-op, but I found the compacted menus unbearable.

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