
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yup YouTube makes it very easy to receive money from adds and people that have YouTube premium. Having a YouTube premium subscription means that you are at least supporting the creator of every video that you watch a little bit (from what I can find 55% of what you pay is going to the creators). Yes YouTube takes quite a large cut, but video hosting in high quality costs a lot of money.

I think it will be very hard to do this on a decentralised platform. People don't trust just anyone with their money, so it could lead to people abandoning smaller servers and you can be sure that bad actors would pop up and try to abuse the system. And even if you do this the right way, you would have to build this system entirely before you can convince creators to move to this platform.

It will also be really hard to offer the same quality and reliability that YouTube offers, without taking a larger cut than the 45% that YouTube takes. Hosting a large video platform is expensive, and many of the Fediverse users are anti-adds and will run an add-blocker and maybe even sponsor-blocker.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

On the touchscreen I can use pinch to zoom in browsers like Firefox and Microsoft Edge (I use it because Firefox doesn't have PWA support), it is also supported in apps like Gnome Maps and Kirta. In Krita I can even move and turn the canvas with two finger input, it seems moving and turning are both supported in GNOME.

Outside of apps, you can also use a three finger up gesture to go to the active app overview. And you can switch between the active workspace with a three finger swipe to the right or the left (this can make switching between applications really fast). Long press for right click seems to work in most places.

You can drag an app to the left or the right of the screen to make it fill up half of the screen, and drag it to the top to make it full screen.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I installed Fedora 40 with Gnome and Wayland a few days ago on my Surface pro gen 1 and have been very happy with the results so far. I do have a type cover and I do use it a lot and I use touch input instead of a mouse. Gnome supports most touch input, and that hasn't been an issue so far. Some third party applications don't understand what 'pinch to zoom' is though. The onscreen keyboard situation on Wayland seems to be a bit messy. I didn't really like the default gnome keyboard and I couldn't get a better keyboard to work (note that for me, it is also important that the OSK is disabled when the type cover is attached, so you won't have that issue).

The performance on the original Surface Pro is fine, I can even emulate Windows games trough Steam, I tried RuneScape (OldSchool and RuneScape 3) and Tunic. Browsing, reading Discord, watching videos all work fine. The main limitation when working with the device seems to be the 4 GB of RAM. So close other apps like the browser when starting a game, or the entire system can freeze. This seems to be mostly an issue when running multiple Electron based applications, gaming and compiling code.

The newer Surface devices have some Microsoft specific hardware that is not always well-supported by the kernel. If you have issues you can try the kernel made specifically for the Surface devices. Personally I haven't tried it as everything just worked so far on my device (they do try to get their patches upstream, so that is probably the reason).

For drawing, I always used Adobe and Affinity software, I did try to get Affinity Photo installed, but I did not succeed yet. I tried both version 1 and 2.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

He also seems to make a video almost every day. That really doesn't help with the quality of the video's. I doubt there is a lot of time to do additional research on the topic, so often it seems to just stick to the basic information from some kind of article and comments (and maybe a few related articles). And is often just related to the drama of the day.

Although he does sometimes have video's that do require more research, but a lot of people won't see those as they assume low quality because of many other video's.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Sometimes I do like his videos, but this one was positioned so bad. The video does go over the changes in Plasma 6.1 and they are good, but this is not a huge change that would change anybodies live.

I know he is probably inspired by channels like Linus Tech Tips, but even they don't got that far anymore. I think he probably intended this in a comedic way, as most of his audience knows that he makes his videos like this, but it really makes the videos worse.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Thanks for the update :) I was already wondering why the server was down.

Let's hope the Local Only Communities won't be abused (and only used for the intended purpose) so that we don't have to start creating accounts on multiple instances.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

It would be nice if Jagex would confirm that it is fine to use this laucher. As far as I know we have no more information than this tweet from Mod Ash: Bolt does work the same as the official launcher, so it should not be a problem…

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Fedora might be a good option, but it might require more setup with an Nvidea GPU. They use Wayland now, are a Gnome based distro, support full disk encryption. For me the package mangar has been fine, and they do support flatpak. It is a very large distro with backing from RedHat. So it should generally be stable.

Pop_OS! Seems to be the great distro if you just want to game and watch videos without any issues arround setting up the drivers. It has been a quite stable distro for me and it is quite similar to Ubuntu. Unfortunately this distro doesn’t have Wayland yet.

Manjaro is an Arch based distro, but it had some issues with using packages from the AUR. They do run Gnome on Wayland by default.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

Ik had ze zelf nog niet eerder gezien. Lokaal valt er waarschijnlijk meer te behalen ja. Er zijn dan veel minder kiezers nodig en soms worden kleine partijen juist uitgelicht. En alleen al meer andacht is misschien al genoeg om de publieke opinie een beetje te beïnvloeden.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

I started with an openSUSE dual boot with KDE. I didn't use Linux a lot at that point. Later, I switched to Ubuntu on a laptop for about a year and used that until I bought a MacBook. Eventually, I returned to Linux by running Pop!_OS on my desktop, but games were a bit choppy, and I really wanted to just run Wayland. I also started to use RHEL at work for our servers. So now I'm trying to switch to Fedora. I still have some issues with the Jagex Launcher, but aside from that, everything seems to work great now.

At home, I have also had an Ubuntu Server for many years, and I also run Ubuntu Server on my VPS.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Wat een raar verhaal, waarom zou de Chinese overheid geld steken in het steunen van zo'n kleine partij die nooit zetels gaat halen. Ook heeft deze partij andere standpunten in het Nederlands dan dat het heeft in de Chinese media. (Zo zegt RTL: Vertegenwoordigers van de partij hebben sterke pro-Chinese standpunten, maar uiten die alleen in Chinese media.). Dus het is ook geen eenvoudige promotie van Chinese standpunten.


Bij de Europese verkiezingen aanstaande donderdag doet een Nederlandse partij mee die gesteund wordt door organisaties die zijn verbonden aan de Chinese Communistische Partij. Dat melden RTL Nieuws en Follow The Money (FTM) op basis van eigen onderzoek.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

This looks great. That would be quite a powerful low-weight machine with long battery life. If they won't be too expensive (and gaming works on them) I might get one. At least RuneLite seems to already support ARM64 on Linux and these chips also put more spotlight on ARM trough Windows on ARM.


This version patches the security vulnerability related to custom emoji’s.


htmx is a very different way of developing your web application. You can define a lot of behaviour inside your HTML with the new attributed added by htmx. This allows you to build an interactive website without using any JavaScript. You do need a REST API that returns HTML though.

For more information about HTMX you can read the htmx docs.


The results of this year Stack Overflow survey have been published: There is a lot to go through, so if you prefer it in a video format, these kinds of videos can help and also provide some comments on the raw data that you see.


cross-posted from:

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After setting up my own Lemmy server, I've been intrigued by the server logs. I was surprised to see some search engines already start to crawl my instances despite it having very little content.

I've noticed that most requests seem to come in from IPv4 addresses, despite my server having both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address. This made me wonder.

IPv4 addresses are getting more scarce by the day and large parts of the world have to share an IPv4 address to get access to older websites. This often leads to unintended fallout, such as thousands of people getting blocked by an IP ban from a site admin that doesn't know any better, as well as anti-DDoS providers throwing up annoying CAPTCHA pages because of bad traffic coming from the shared IP address. Furthermore, hosting a Lemmy server of your own is impossible behind a shared IP address, so IPv6 is the only option.

IPv6 is the clear way forward. However, many people haven't configured IPv6 for their hosts. People running their own Lemmy instances behind an IPv6 address won't be able to federate with those servers, and that's a real shame.

Looking into it

So, I whipped up this quick Python script:

import requests
import sys
import socket
from import Bar

lemmy_host = sys.argv[1]

site_request = requests.get(f"https://{lemmy_host}/api/v3/site").json()

hosts = site_request['federated_instances']['linked']

ipv4_only = []
ipv6_only = []
both = []
error = []

with Bar('Looking up hosts', max=len(hosts)) as bar:
    for host in hosts:
        host = host.strip()

            dns = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 443)
        except socket.gaierror:

        has_ipv4 = False
        has_ipv6 = False
        for entry in dns:
            (family, _, _, _, _) = entry

            if family == socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET:
                has_ipv4 = True
            elif family == socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET6:
                has_ipv6 = True

        if has_ipv4 and has_ipv6:
        elif has_ipv4:
        elif has_ipv6:
        bar.message = f"Looking up hosts (B:{len(both)} 4:{len(ipv4_only)} 6:{len(ipv6_only)} E:{len(error)})"

print(f"Found {len(both)} hosts with both protocols, {len(ipv6_only)} hosts with IPv6 only, and {len(ipv4_only)} outdated hosts, failed to look up {len(error)} hosts")

This script fetches the instances a particular Lemmy server federates with (ignoring the blocked hosts) and then looks all of them up through DNS. It shows you the IPv4/IPv6 capabilities of the servers federating with your server.

I've run the script against a few popular servers and the results are in:


Server IPv6 + IPv4 IPv6 only IPv4 Error Total 1340 3 1903 215 3461 807 0 1105 74 1986
My server 202 0 312 4 518

A bar chart of the table above

A pie chart of the results for

A pie chart for the results for

A pie chart for the results for my server

It seems that over half (55%+) the servers on the Fediverse aren't reachable over IPv6!

I'm running my own server, what can I do?

Chances are you've already got an IPv6 address on your server. All you need to do is find out what it is (ip address show in Linux), add an AAAA record in your DNS entries, and enable IPv6 in your web server of choice (i.e. listen [::]:443 in Nginx). Those running a firewall may need to allow traffic through IPv6 as well, but many modern firewalls treat whitelist entries the same these days.

Some of you may be running servers on networks that haven't bothered implementing IPv6 yet. There are still ways to get IPv6 working!

Getting IPv6 through Tunnelbroker

If you've got a publicly reachable IPv4 address that can be pinged from outside, you can use Hurricane Electric's Tunnelbroker to get an IPv6 range, free of charge! You get up to five tunnels per account (each tunnel with a full /64 network) and a routed /48 network for larger installations, giving you up to 65k subnets to play with!

There are lots of guides out there, some for PfSense, some for Linux, some for Windows; there's probably one for your OS of choice.

Getting IPv6 behind CGNAT

Getting an IPv6 network through a tunnelbroker service behind CGNAT is (almost) impossible. Many ISPs that employ CGNAT already provide their customers with IPv6 networks, but some of them are particularly cheap, especially consumer ISPs.

It's still possible to get IPv6 into your network through a VPN, but for serving content you'll need a server with IPv6 access. You can get a free cloud server from various cloud providers to get started. An easy way forward may be to host your server in the cloud, but if you've got a powerful server at home, you can just use the free server for its networking capabilities.

Free servers are available from all kinds of providers, such as Amazon(free for a year), Azure(free for a year), Oracle(free without time limit). Alternatively, a dedicated VPS with IPv6 capabilities can be as cheap as $4-5 per month if you shop around.

You can install a VPN server on your cloud instance, like Wireguard, and that will allow you to use the cloud IPv6 address at home. Configure the VPN to assign an IPv6 address and to forward traffic, and you've got yourself an IPv6 capable server already!

There are guides online about how to set up such a system. This gist will give you the short version.

Final notes

It should be noted that this is a simple analysis based on server counts alone. Most people flock to only a few servers, so most Lemmy users should be able to access IPv6 servers. However, in terms of self hosting, these things can matter!


cross-posted from:

It is currently possible, through Lemmy's API, to create accounts automatically and without limit if verification by email address or captcha is not activated. I'd advise you to activate one or both of them NOW!

After registering x number of accounts (currently I could do thousands), all you have to do is list all the existing communities for each of the account to publishes one new post per community, or more. I'll leave you to picture the mess.

(I apologise to the administrators of, I should have done the test with my own server.)

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