Das ist ein dicker Arschdaumen.
Thanks for doing this! I don't think I'll be able to post one this week, but I'll keep an eye on this community and try to post one every other week.
Another famous example for a (very) short song: Napalm Death - You suffer
Padeen, but only when he's gone cold turkey.
Ich muss gestehen, ich kenne sie tatsächlich nur als LKW-Ausbremser auf der Durchfahrt. Außerdem sind die ersten Ergebnisse der Google Bildersuche auch Autobahn-relatiert. Aber ist ein guter Punkt! Was gibt's denn dort hübsches?
Narrator: He was wrong.
I want you to know that I look forward to your duck pics every day.
Thanks, I'll give it a try
I was wondering if there's a software compressor for the master channel of a computer. Like many, I usually stream movies nowadays, so VLC is of no use unfortunately. Any ideas? I'm on windows, if that matters.
+1 for Moccamaster
+1 for WeAreTheMusicMakers
Großartig, danke!