
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago


This is why i preach leftist solidarity. I get that neolibs are (very much) to the right of me. The tomes we align, however, need to be embraced. Any leftward movement is preferable to none at all. Any leftward movement shifts the overton window in the direction we want. We can worry about arguing when its relevant, not when we need to keep the literal fascist out of office. In general, claiming someone like status quo joe to be a fascist is a hell of a privileged position to hold. Fascists want the outright eradication of some sort of undesirable group and an outright rejection of electoralism or democracy in all its forms, quite unlike status quo joe.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Pretty much, but god youre eloquent! Im glad im not one of the ones trying to argue with u xD

I do remember r/sandersforpresident when it was good, and i do remember a lot of reddit leftist subs before they turned into "vooting bad!" and "heres the spoonfed opinions u must subscribe to if u want to be a Leftist TM."

And honestly, as for whats going on on lemmy, ur right that productive conversation gets drowned out, and the shills and their tankie followers tend to drag ppl down to the dregs whenever they try to debate them or are forced to call them out lest others take them seriously.

Its a brilliant tactic, too. Anyone remotely left leaning- shit, anyone morally sane, really- will look at the Gaza situation and feel for the downtrodden civilians being slaughtered and feel sympathy/take their side. The left is harder than the right to co-opt who will go for anything that tells them theyre better than the next guy so feel free to hate on XYZ, so theyre forced to co-opt the positions we already are bound to hold.

And ill end with ur daily reminder that actual leftists, like the Zapatistas in Spain who list it as a core tenet, will operate within the bounds of the system (not just outside of it) by voting for the option that most enables (or least obstructs) further mutual aid/direct action.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 4 months ago (7 children)

The last wave of "biden continued 70 yrs of US foreign policy in the mid east by authorizing open arms sales with Israel so hes clearly hitler and not voting for him is critical" has stopped being so effective on here, so its time to shake up the game. It will only get more insidious until the election.

All the while we ignore the most important point that putin has called Ukraine a stepping stone in the denzaification of eastern europe and that keeping twittler out of office qnd electing dems is the best chance the planet has at avoiding death and destruction on a level not seen since WWII. Also ignoring the fact that the death and destruction in Ukraine alone is still on a greater scale than the atrocities in Gaza or anywhere else on the planet at this time.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

Love this comment! As i commented elsewhere, get outside and make ur local politicians uncomfortable until they pass Rqnked Choice. Plenty of state level measures going around right now, no waiting necessary!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

We can do this on the state level! Many states currently have measures establishing ranked choice voting that all of us would do well to pressure our state officials to pass. Id love to see protesters camping out in front of state congresspeoples houses with signs about their local measure. No need to wait until after the election!

But yes thatd be excellent after November, as well

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Wasps are one of the more cruel and fucked up insects out there

So still two classes of humanity above dorito Mussolini, then?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Wasps are living things. They likely experience pain and distress; i could never wish those on anything capable of feeling them. Señor racismo, on the other hand... maybe we could compromise and seal him in with some coronavirus to study its mutations?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Congrats to you!! Hopefully your ability to get ur medicine becomes easier/safer, but either way at least itll be legal for u!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

Others may be forced to contort their neurons to uncomfortable angles trying to come up with reasons thisd be bad... just think of all those hurted brains!! The humanity!!!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago (5 children)


The wasps deserve better.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

"Leftists" are the Zapatistas in Spain who state as one of their core tenets improving material conditions in the transitory state until the utopia they crave comes into being. If u are a leftist, you will vote for damage control. Voting for the lesser of two evils is not the endorsement of its own evil actions bc the alternative is utter madness. To abstain from voting, to spoil ones vote, these are actions which support the greater of two evils.

When presented with a chouce between lesser evil, and far greater evil, it is not unconscionable to choose the lesser evil, but it is evil outright to choose the greater evil.

To tie into to my initial point, will those who abstain or spoil their votes have my hatred? No! They are merely an exploited proletariat whos actions have been influenced by the enormous web of influence of foreign adversaries as well as our own domestic fascists. I will pity them instead, but I will also reiterate that much like the action of voting for trump is an evil action, their own actions will also be evil, even if they themselves are not evil, but merely misguided.

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