Condolences to all the unders.
GG Stanford, Bachmeier(sp?) Is gonna be a beast. He was a problem all night.
Gonna miss pack 12 after dark. Can always count on some random Arizona team ruining someone's season after everyone's gone to bed.
Man I will be glad when UW doesn't have to play ASU anymore.
Ouch...That's not nice.
One hell of a game. At the stadium. Will be interested to see some of that on replay. Two really good offenses. Some seemingly questionable calls on both sides. Hate to see a game come down to a kicker but both sides had the opportunity for that not to be the case.
Alabama fans how much of this 'decline', 'end of dynasty' etc. is just a natural consequence of the transfer portal in full effect? It seems like for over a decade we've seen the second best X(running back quarterback etc.) In the country being the backup on the bench for whoever the starter was. Ie Alabamas 3rd team could start at any other school. And now they are. Is that what's going here or is it something else. Don't follow close enough to know how much depth you've lost recently to the tp.
Didn't have access to peacock but by the highlights it would appear Washington's strategy of huck it long will continue to work until someone can get to penix quick or have dbs that can match speed 4-5 deep. They were catching everything.
To be fair the ball is very rolly :)
Didn't watch the game but an 80 spot is hard to put up no matter who you are playing. Rough.
So embarrassing, that play will be on highlight reels for 20 years, and not the kind you want to be on.