If you're online. You need to assume that your data is being used without your permission whether you like it or not. Nothing is going to change. Look at the hordes of brain dead idiots who use tiktok
joined 1 year ago
I remember the Internet in the early to late 90s. What a magical time it was. I've said for years now that giant corporations are going to basically buy out the Internet and pidgin hole you into using their services. They've basically accomplished that goal.
It's funny. I'm going to point and make fun of them.
I don't understand hating but I'll make fun of them.
😂 people pay money for this trash
I've seen people bring up Linux on non-tech related posts. It's a weird flex.
Same. I turned into a PlayStation gamer before I played Mario 64. It just seemed boring to me at that stage in my life. I've never completed it or played it for more than 30 minutes.