[-] [email protected] 42 points 6 months ago

Please remember that it is okay to be sad - sometimes it's literally the only correct response to a situation:-).

[-] [email protected] 71 points 6 months ago

Teaching true facts about the world - that some people will never truly love you, only what you can do for them - since 1939.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 6 months ago

There is no possibility of this ever causing negative effects of any kind, certainly it will not ever be misused (like one pilot being pressured into flying 5 planes at once bc... profit).

  • Elon Musk, probably
[-] [email protected] 48 points 6 months ago

As Global Warming slowly kills us all, try to enjoy it!:-) 😭

[-] [email protected] 41 points 6 months ago

If you were close enough to take this picture, then you were close enough to influence the outcome... I'm just saying... :-)

[-] [email protected] 43 points 6 months ago

It's basically porn for those people, except far more dangerous bc they think it's real. They even vote according to it.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 8 months ago

From someone who did the same: there is no way to understand what DS9 is about without watching it end to end, it's just designed differently than TNG or TOS or Voyager, which were made for people to catch individual episodes and feel like they watched something. DS9 has intricate plot points that expand over an entire season, and then on into the next. I thought I knew what the show was about, but I was so very very, wonderfully wrong! Instead of it being my least favorite, I see now that it's the deepest of them all, though they all have their individual contributions, especially for the historical time they were released in.

So my advice is to wait until you have a few hours, then watch all of season 1. You'll be glad you did, and can decide when to find time to continue with season 2.

Learning about Garak will be infinitely more satisfying that way:-). He is one of the most "interesting" characters on the show, but really when you think about it, they all are.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 8 months ago

They are totally fine with fucking, it is strong emotions they are against. Wham bam goodbye is perfectly acceptable, but call me maybe (even just to talk) is strictly forbidden.

[-] [email protected] 138 points 8 months ago

They’ve even struggled at times on basic votes to keep the chamber functioning.

You seem to be assuming that proper functioning was their goal. They were sent there to tear it all down, which is precisely what they did. Never forget that they play by an entirely different set of rules.

[-] [email protected] 123 points 8 months ago

Aside from the content, I want to take a moment to appreciate how this has such an informative title!:-)

[-] [email protected] 97 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I find it very interesting that this is reportedly one of the top subs on all of Reddit: "Comments Per Day" ranks it #1, by Subscribers or Posts Per Day it is #2, Growth (Day) and Growth (Month) are both #5, Growth (Month) and Growth (Year) are both #4, etc.

Not only that, it is by far the top sub by this "Comments Per Day" metric: it shows 15828 Comments reported in a recent 24-hr period of time, whereas the next highest sub is r/worldnews with a mere 5153 Comments Per Day, then r/AmItheAsshole and r/nfl also ~5k, then others rapidly falling further like r/NoStupidQuestions and r/AITAH each ~3k, etc.

To reiterate: this is the #1 sub over all of Reddit, with >3x more comments per day than any other sub, and like more comments than the next 3 subs all combined... and it still has fallen off a cliff, even by this same exact metric.

I do not know how reliable subredditstats.com is overall, but even if it were not so good lately, so long as all the stats are more or less evenly biased across all the subs, we should still be able to learn something from these comparisons? (please add a correction if you know of some evidence that this is not true) One caveat is that it might be harder to compare now vs. pre-API changes? But if it can be believed, the numbers fell from a peak of >100k in June 2023, to a more average ~75k, then dropped like a rock in July to ~15k and has remained hovering around that area ever since...

I do not visit popular subs on Reddit anymore, just one that has refused to migrate to Lemmy/Kbin, but this sounds entirely believable to me. If you click the links to the top posts, the very title titles of the posts and top comments to them also showcase the change: like the #2 top post to that sub is "Now that Reddit are killing 3rd party apps on July 1st what are great alternatives to Reddit?" w/ 78.1k upvotes, and has the top comment w/ 5.2k upvotes of "I might get back into reading books after over a decade." (and other comments likewise, pointing to Reddit alternatives, and angry exclamations about the 3rd party apps going away)

In short, THIS seems to be the evidence that we have been waiting for all this time, about just how far Reddit has fallen / died off?

Although comments on Lemmy/Kbin I do not think have risen by +~50k or so per day, so I wonder where all that Reddit traffic went? Possibly as the aforementioned comment said, it went offline, basically nowhere.

Edit: I nominated this post to m/BestOf.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


No Squabbles.io, Tildes, or Discuit, but somehow digs deep enough to find Saidit.net, Hive, Quora (IRK!?), 4Chan (spit-take: yes, you read that correctly), Imgur, Slashdot, and 9Gag (hey, I did not write this, alright?:-P), and # 15 is Digg!

You said you wanted to know if Kbin was mentioned in the media though, so here it is:-D.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 39 points 1 year ago

From what I've read, he apparently declined to pay his bill to Google Cloud Platform (he also was not paying rent at his... headquarters? one of them, I dunno? in Colorado), so then they cut him off - which he apparently did not expect - so he unilaterally instituted an emergency rate-limit for all posts yesterday, which in turn caused embedded Twitter feeds to constantly keep trying to connect and get the content that it always has been able to before, and since it could not connect it just kept trying, over & over, over & over, over & over, over & over, over & over again.


What a stable genius he is showing himself off to be... /s

Though still smarter than Huffman, who followed him blindly despite the circumstances being totally different - like on the off-chance that Musk actually had a thought & a plan somewhere buried in there, what is Huffman's excuse for following him? It reminds me of a particular Star Wars quote by Ben Kenobi actually... :-D

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