[-] [email protected] 54 points 1 month ago

As much as I lean to hate this despite it not even affecting me as a Linux user...

I’m going to structure this as a Q&A with myself now, based on comments online

What is that? "I'm going to pretend to ask questions that I'll then answer myself the way I think it'll outrage that most people do I'll get a lot of clicks on this shitty article"? What crappy excuse for content creation is this? I hate it.

[-] [email protected] 60 points 4 months ago

Don't get the problem. Professor picks conference, grad student submits paper and professor's group pays the trip. Isn't that how it's done? I always enjoyed those conferences.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

People keep complaining about 3d sucking... And I don't get it.

I once had a voodoo 2 card with shutter glasses and it was awesome if the games were compatible (huds were always an issue, but stuff like racing games or third person stuff worked well). 3d movies work well if they're well done. I even had an HTC 3d phone with an autostereoscopic display and a camera that could take stereo pictures. I just got a used 3ds off a flea market and am in love, wishing my steam deck had a stereoscopic display. I'm not sold on vr yet, but I really enjoyed it the few times I tried it.

Bad games won't become good in 3d. Neither will bad movies or any other type of media. But the constant complaining feels to me like those people that hated colour movies when they came out. Yeah, colour won't make your terrible script any better, but it's an additional dimension (ha) to work with... Just like 3d. If used well, it can enhance the experience. Mario Kart is nice - but the spatial perception does give you a better idea of where your opponents are on bumpy tracks. Prometheus wasn't a perfect movie, but man, that scene in the medical automaton that slices her up to get the xenomorph out really gave me vibes of claustrophobia, just because I felt a little bit more stuck in that tube with her. And that old picture of my son wasn't particularly good, but damn, even without a 3d display at hand I sometimes open it and simply cross-eye myself into the depth perception just because it's so nice to have that baby head almost touchable. So yeah, I think 3d displays and media rock.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 4 months ago

Always ass been.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Does anybody really use the steam deck with multiple users and can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I got the mid range deck, enjoyed how I could play almost my entire library and created a steam account for my oldest son so he could use it, too, without us messing up each other's save games or stats. I set up family sharing for our accounts and added some games to the family library, but from that point onwards the experience has pretty much been a mess for me.

First of all, setting up the family sharing was pretty much a convoluted process where I really didn't understand what I was supposed to be doing... Were the family PINs supposed to be the same for both accounts? Who selects what in order to get the young man to play skyrim? It was all weird, but we eventually managed. The result is, however, an annoying setup that is just weird.

  • When I turn on the deck, it now always starts in family mode on my account, so I always have to enter the PIN before doing anything that is not playing a game that I added to the family library. Which is most of my games. Shop won't open before I enter the pin, nothing works while being in family mode and it always starts in family mode.
  • Considering how often I have to insert the family PIN, it's annoying how buggy the keyboard is with the PIN entry form... Every time I enter a digit via the touch pads, the keyboard just freezes for a second or so. No idea if that has something to do with localisation or something.
  • Starting a game won't ask for the account... I have both accounts set up on the deck, but unlike e.g. the switch, the deck always starts games on the account that was last logged in, no questions asked.
  • There is no proper separation of data for each user. When I added vampire survivors to the family library and he started it on his account afterwards, the first thing that happened was a hundred achievements getting unlocked because his game simply loaded my state. Same for other games which just show save games from all users, which is super annoying for the usual auto save and continue game flow.
  • He says he can't really chat or play games in multiplayer if he's using my shared games on his account... No idea what's going on there, have not yet gotten around to trouble shoot that.

Am I doing something wrong or what is this? We had the deck with us on our last vacation and with the Internet being just not available a lot of the time (which is imperative to switch accounts) and all those issues outlined above, it basically got no usage at all and I'm getting more and more annoyed by this.

[-] [email protected] 102 points 4 months ago

do people actually find xkcd funny?

Yes. And I should know, I'm a people.

[-] [email protected] 97 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Take my love, take my land,

take me where I cannot stand...

I don't care as long as we

get kebab for treefiddy

DŸSE - Höllenjunge (m.youtube.com)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 59 points 8 months ago

It amazes me that the most expensive and slowest to build energy source that produces the worst waste imaginable is so cherished by some online trolls that they constantly demand to consider nuclear over renewables.

We truly live in wild times.

[-] [email protected] 51 points 9 months ago

Mit Faschisten wird nicht diskutiert.

[-] [email protected] 157 points 9 months ago

Was passieren wird: die Emissionen von Herstellung und Lieferkette werden konservativ geschätzt und der Hersteller wird über irgendein fadenscheiniges Programm alle Treibhausgase zu fuffzig Cent die Megatonne "ausgleichen". Nachdem das Amtsgericht Köln entschieden hat, dass das zählt, springen die Ölmultis auf den Zug auf und gleichen ihre kompletten Emissionen ebenfalls aus. Brent zählt danach als klimaneutral, weil ein paar brasilianische Palmölplantagen ihre Biomasse als Ausgleich anbieten und Shell denen drei Frontlader inklusive lebenslangem Treibstoff zukommen lässt. Der Tankstutzen für diese klimaneutralen Kraftstoffe ist inkompatibel zu dem bestehenden Loch und Nachrüstungen werden vom TÜV nicht anerkannt, so dass jeder ein neues Auto braucht. Mensch Meier schimpft auf die Grünen, dass er seinen treuren Dodge Ram von '26 gegen das Modell von '32 tauschen muss aber freut sich insgeheim doch irgendwie über die schicke Karre, die außerdem drei Liter mehr Hubraum hat. Die CDU ist erschüttert, dass die Deiche brechen und Hamburg untergeht, aber für die Emissionen aus Südafrika kann man ja nun mal auch nichts und außerdem die Grünen! Alle sterben, the end.

[-] [email protected] 62 points 10 months ago

Man, the US really are a dystopia.

[-] [email protected] 109 points 10 months ago

Ich bin nicht dick, sondern ich trage einen übergroßen Bauch mit mir herum den ich seit 20 Jahren kenne.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just got a new Pixel 7a a few days ago. I specifically got that one to get the smallest of the bunch. It's advertised as the smallest (and cheaper) model, phone size comparisons showed it to be indeed smaller than most competing devices and it's even listed in some "best small phones" lists.

Now it's here and it's massive. If I keep the pinkie below the phone, I literally can't reach the top of the screen at all, which is the entire notification bar - and my fingers are long! It's annoying me to the point of being just about to return it to get something like the s22 or s23, just to save those 6mm of height - which is ridiculous, as it'd end up costing me a hundred bucks extra and I won't get the free buds pro. I've been using Android since the G1 and outright refused to even consider anything else over years... But now I'm thinking about the iPhones 13 mini and se, just because I'm able to use them with one hand.

I want to like this device. So, could you people please tell me if I'm... Dunno, just doing it wrong? Like, not getting it or something? How do you pull down the notification bar in apps with one hand? How do you post those top-left buttons to close your current view? Enlighten me, please!

/edit Just in case anybody still sees this: I returned it. Went back to my s10e, which is eol and needs a charge in the afternoon, which is still annoying me less than that massive piece of hardware.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's a project that has been sitting on my bench for too long, but every now and then I try to get a little further. I still love the scale of the game and the mechanics of Epic: Armageddon.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 1 year ago

expanding fossil fuel production and insisting that there is no alternative.

No alternative? No fucking alternative? Like... We're talking about extinction level scenarios and they're like "yeah, okay, we're all going to die, but I don't think your suggested alternatives to that are viable"

Like, don't they see that their profits ultimately depend on humanity existing to consume their products? What the fuck is wrong with them? Who do they think will bail them out when the planet is too fucking hot to live on?

[-] [email protected] 65 points 1 year ago

But you can change it back. Here's how.

At this point, why even bother?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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