[-] [email protected] 22 points 3 weeks ago

Teoretically speaking, asking for a friend who's doing research, how would you access such a service? :)

[-] [email protected] 79 points 1 month ago

The attack begins with a phishing email sent to the target

Okay bro im not reading past this its 2024

[-] [email protected] 25 points 1 month ago
[-] [email protected] 22 points 4 months ago

Meanwhile here in italy when a major company fails and goes bankrupt because of shitty management, corruption and greed, we first "save" it with public funds, then sell it to someone else to profit off of it

[-] [email protected] 35 points 4 months ago

Interesting that he chooses to say the people having a genocide done on them need to surrender

Huh he didnt say this about the people in Gaza, what are you talking about?

[-] [email protected] 27 points 4 months ago

What you are saying might be true as well but given your uncivil comment history i am pretty sure a mod "being tankie" is not the reason you are silenced in those communities...

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello sailors,

as a long time FireTV stick un-enjoyer, I finally decided that the time has come to get rid of this piece of crap I was baited into buying because of the low price. The number of streaming services keeps increasing (splitting content among different servives) and each and every one of them is demanding for an increasing amount of money for a monthly subscription; "buy this movie only" services dont actually give you shi except for the right to stream it for as long as it stays in their library, even though af course you pay 13,99 as if it was a physical copy of a movie. In addition to that, the FireTV is now completely filled with ads. I am tired of this shitty customer treatment, im sailing.

I am not experienced into local media-sharing and management, so I am looking for advice... What's my best move to replace it?

I thought a good idea would be to buy an unexpensive MiniPC that i can put behind the TV? Is that overkill? But what OS would i put into it? A linux distro I am guessing or Android TV? Is there a way I can interact with it using a remote? Are there instead "better" FireTV sticks (no ads and let users install and watch what they want)?

Gimme advice or share your secret setups please :)

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://feddit.it/post/1730056

Sorry free market, we have been besties for a bit, but lately I have seen a lot of bs takes being made in your name, don't hate me homie

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry free market, we have been besties for a bit, but lately I have seen a lot of bs takes being made in your name, don't hate me homie

[-] [email protected] 82 points 10 months ago

That is exactly the point of this meme. The resource allocation for building car infrastructure has been massive since the '60s while transit has been left behind as it is way less of a oppurtunity for car manufacturers and oil companies to profit from it and yeah, they do have a saying bigger than yours when it comes to deciding your country's politics. (See ~~corruption~~lobbying)

[-] [email protected] 23 points 10 months ago

Here comes the guy with the degree in economics and a lot of free time lmfao. It must be really difficult to misunderstand such a simple meme but here, I will help you out: MAYBE the spendings our governements "plan" (uuuh scary buzz word) on: car infrastructure (go check how much your country spends on it), gas tax cuts, road maintenance, healthcare costs related to car accidents (you don't obviously "plan" those but they are nonetheless a cost for a society), just MAYBE, they could be decresed in favor of public transportation? Cycling infrastructure?

"BuT tHe dEmAnD fOr CarS iS sO hIgh!!1!1 LeT tHe fReE mArKet ChOoSe wHaT pEoPlE wAnT."

Nice free market you got there when outside its all roads and parking lots (tax-paid), with no sidewalks/cycleways, and the only bus/train going to where you need to has a ride every 6 hours. Im sure people will buy a car to get around because they love it so much.

Why don’t we uproot all our ~~vegetable crops~~modes of transportation and grow car trees? Cars are delicious so this is obviously a great idea!

  • car manufactures in the '60s
[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Is there a way to tell if a game is using this crap?

EDIT 3: Another auto-updated list of games to avoid that use Denuvo

EDIT: found this list, will leave it here in case someone needs it. (REPORTED TO BE OUTDATED)

EDIT 2: also as they pointed out in the comments (for Steam users) this list is more updated, and if you follow it, it shows you if a game uses denuvo or not when you are browsing a game's store page.

[-] [email protected] 75 points 1 year ago

I currently still own an LG G5 (LineageOS). This is what an actually removable and replaceable battery looks like and should be like. This is that same phone in water for two minutes. This phone is from 7 years ago. Only phone left on the market nowadays with those capabilities (probably even better) is Fairphone.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am glad you brought on some very common talking points, I will gladly explain to you what is my (and presumably the community's) answer to them:

  1. This is true, a one-day zero-to-100% ban on cars is probably not feasible, as many nations have parts of their economies based on people being moved by cars (even though the pandemic and remote working showed us that A LOT of those people actually do a job that requires them to commute waaay less than we thought, but this is another story). This is somewhat of a silly point though: people also used to have slaves, hell, we used to run our entire economies on slaves. That did not stop us from seeing that was not a good thing and change that over time. Total ban of cars tomorrow? Sounds cool but not really achievable. Promoting public transit? Restricting car traffic in area where cars clearly don't belong? Making it an easier time for who wants to walk or use a bike? Hell yeah.

  2. Public transit is overall massively cheaper than cars, for everyone. Just think about it: the cost of a car society is the cost of car infrastructure (you pay it with your taxes) plus the cost of your car, your insurance, the gas (which is actually "cheap" in the US because it is subsidized with taxes so again, you pay that), the maintenance (these costs are unloaded directly on you). In London, which has one of the most expensive fares around the world, owning a car ends up costing on average double what you would pay to use transit daily. My city has a €250 (~$300)/year transit pass. Everything included, as many rides as you want, to wherever you want. I use it to commute daily and hang out. We happen to have a car in my family, but we have the priviledge of rarely having to use it.

  3. True, in fact we advocate for better public transit in the first place. As you said, there is an insanely vaste amount of places in the world that actually do transit great: most european cities have very good transit, but also a lot of US cities (NY, SF, Chicago, etc)

  4. No, you clearly can't cross state borders with a tram, because that would probably be called a train. In europe you can take high speed trains that go over 200mph and cross entire countries in way shorter times than taking a car (a lot to improve in the future, especially interoperability, dont get me wrong, its far from perfect). Same goes for Japan, and China (but their trains are also faster, and more interconnected as, obviously, it is one country). Transit allows you to go where lines have been built, and for most places around the world that is basically everywhere you could possibly ever want to go. Cars allow you to go where your state has built a road for you.

  5. It has been long since I've taken a service that didn't have heating/air conditioning. I do listen to my music when I commute, I can actually also read or browse feddit, watch a video or study, while the bus/tram driver drives for me. I will give you the point on occupancy, but hum, unless you hate people I don't see a problem in that. Edit: In several years of taking metros/buses/trams it only happened more or less 5 times to find an "annoying" person on my same ride. Meanwhile, I assure you that almost EVERY time you drive here you are granted: i) a honk for no reason ii) someone not resoecting the right of way. It is faaar more probable to go this close to a car crash than to find an "annoying" person on transit, at least from my experience.

  6. I also control my transit schedule to the minute. Despite my city's transit having one of the worst looking apps made by humans, I can actually check live-time where the bus or tram i need is and when it will be at the stop (and when its main lines i dont even need to because there is one every 5-7 minutes). You know what i hate instead? Getting stuck in traffic. That really has to be a pain for those 15 cars clogging the two car lanes (one is actually blocked by illegally parked cars), while me and other 50 homies fly by them on the bus-only lane. Also, on the same commute, I had to always add an additional 30 minutes ahead of leaving to account for traffic, making the gains against a bus virtually nothing. But of course you can only make this point if your city is well-served by transit lines.

  7. I don't either, I don't think anyone cares about those few people, this community is really about the other 99,9% of motorists.

  8. I don't get what you mean with "share". I have not in my entire life in any country of this world seen a seat for two people. What? You mean to seats next to each other? Because that's... Two seats. There is not really much sharing in it. Need further explaination.

This community is called fuck cars but is really actually about wanting cities designed for people rather than cars (which is how human settlements have been made for basically thousands of years except the last decades). Well shit i made a wot but thats my take, to put it shortly

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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