I don't even think it's true back and white good and evil. Was boramir good or bad? He was a flawed good character. There is some nuance in there (but not much).
As good/cool (IMO) at wind turbines are, they do cause actual problems with noise if near them and potentially with 'corrupting' large amounts of countryside (visible from a large distance)
Solar farms have very little of that. From what I understand it's just transformer hum and a less obvious visual blot that can be hidden in small valleys etc.
If that understanding is correct, then it makes sense the community payout is less as it's effectively a bribe to stop the community complaining?
If done right can't it also actually help create good habitats?
Wheel of Time - A huge epic fantasy book series.
Updated title
Why only temporarily though?
If it overtopped that's a management issue not a construction issue (unless they embezzled the money for a spillway or something)
The perspective on the Hass t-cam makes it look really fast.
There are overtakes, but they are not showing them 😡
Hulk had a bad restart ☹️
Posting to a news article is easy compared with creating content, so you will see a lot more of it.