[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Looks can be deceiving, not everyone actually pays that amount up front for luxury items. There are sales, member clubs, outlet stores etc, that can mean the price one pays is a tiny fraction of the list price. There's also a fair amount of people who do fashion "churn" where they buy an item, use it, and then resell it later. That $1200 purse might sell for $800 making the net loss not as ridiculous.

I've ended up with a fair amount of luxury items from thrifting. Coach bags that were under $60, silk dresses that were $15, things that sold for hundreds of dollars new. Now, if someone is explicitly saying they spent a lot of money you have every right to consider that a detractor, but the brand alone doesn't mean they paid big money for it.

For a lot of people fashion is a hobby. How would you feel about spending $80 on a board game? $400 for a new telescope? $1200 for musical equipment? These might seem like extravagant expenditures for someone outside of the hobby, but for someone passionate about it it's justified. I'm sure you will be able to find someone who doesn't care as much about fashion (though they might not have a "hot" profile a dating algorithm would serve you but they're certainly out there in the real world) but it's likely they will still have a passion or hobby you might not relate to, and spend equally "unreasonable" money on that instead.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Joined! I make my own ice cream and I'm looking forward to finding and sharing recipes

Mango ice cream... (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One of my favorite home made flavors is MANGO! Don't try to tell me it should be a sorbet, I don't care.

Makes about 2qts


1 cup light cream 2 cups mango puree or blended frozen mangos 3/4 cup white sugar 4 tbps mango or coconut rum (~12% alcohol) ~3/4 cup whole milk

In a blender, add about 2 1/2 cups of frozen mango chunks and the 1 cup cream and blend until smooth. Add some milk as needed for blending. You should end up with approximately 3 cups of a mango and cream mixture. Pour it into an 8 cup "batter bucket"*. Add the sugar and rum and stir until the sugar is dissolved and you no longer feel grains (can take a minute). Add the milk to get the mixture up to the 4 cup line of the batter bucket, approximately 3/4 cup. Stir, and once it's a homogeneous color pour into a 2qt ice cream maker to churn. It should be in a soft serve state within 15min if you used frozen mango, or 20-25min if you used a mango puree. Remove from ice cream maker when it's the consistency of soft serve frozen yogurt and scoop into containers of your choosing. Allow it to firm up in the freezer for a few hours.

*it's a giant measuring cup that also works as a mixing bowl and it's immensely useful for ice cream making and anything else where you need to end up with a finished product that has to be poured.

The alcohol helps keep the ice cream from freezing too hard since this recipe doesn't have as much fat. The mango rum I use is by Cruzan and personally I can't taste it in the ice cream, but serve to kids at your own discretion.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

My two year old has rotating favorite colors. He knows our favorite colors and he will bring us objects that are those colors, and then we ask what his favorite color is. He'll pick out a marker or point to something or say a color. It changes every few days. Today was "lello", a few days ago it was "bu". He's probably been interested in colorful objects (favoring something in primary colors vs pastels or neutrals) since about 5 months. So at least this kid has been interested in color almost from the beginning.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not everybody who works for the government is elected. The vast majority of people who work for the government are hired like at any other job, and many of them work their ways up the pay levels with competency and years of experience just like the private sector. Only a very limited number of employees are supposed to cycle in and out with a White House administration, and those are the people the president is supposed to have the ability to get rid of at will. Tens of thousands of government employees keep working regardless of who is in charge and answer to their supervisors, and so can offer some resistance to illegal, immoral or downright stupid decisions from the "top". For instance, if the General Natural Resources Manager of the EPA says "no, there shouldn't be fracking operations here, it's too close to habitation" etc, they can push back enough to possibly cancel that initiative. Unless, of course, you make it so the executive branch can point to any government employee and say "you're fired" for arbitrary reasons and replace them with a sycophantic toady who always says yes to daddy oil.

Hmm I wonder if we know anyone who likes saying "you're fired"...?

[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago

He was no less a fascist in 2016, but there were enough checks on his power that he mostly managed to simply be incompetent and chaotic. He bungled Covid response and gave free handouts to billionaires, sold who knows how many state secrets to foreign entities, but there are a lot of positions in government held by actually qualified and competent people who waylaid his whims. Conservatives have been carefully putting the pieces into place to prevent this from happening again, for instance reclassifying higher ranking government employees so that the president would be able to fire/dismiss them without cause. If the leader of the FBI attempts to investigate him again, they could just hire a new one who won't. The supreme court being full of right wing extremists is another purposeful and deliberate step to undermine the checks and balances system. Conservatives want kings, and they weren't prepared the last time Trump was in power. They will be able to do much more damage this time.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago


He's gotten a lot of mileage out of it. For a while it meant the obvious but also "open", "apple", "out" and "outside" until he figured out how to make more consonant sounds.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

How about The Romans in Their Decadence? (Thomas Couture)

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

We did "Photography Model" for ours lol

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

I love PG Tips as well for a go-to grocery store black tea, as well as all of Celestial Seasonings hibiscus blends. I used to get tea from Adagio and even made a couple of custom blends but I moved to an area with a decent tea shop and local events that host smaller tea sellers so I try to get loose leaf from them when I get the opportunity.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For those who missed the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pygcgE3a_uY

Don't try to tell me Beyond Earth was a sequel, Stellaris is more of a sequel to SMAC than BE was.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Found myself starting to think about trying some new thing that sounded cool, and realized it might be fun to think about all of the random interests, crafts, hobbies and pursuits I've chased on tangents to my life. It's easy to feel like a bum or a failure for dropping hobbies and that could cause hesitation in starting something new, but on sheer volume I bet some of us have impressive lists. Requirement is that it never made you real dependable income and wasn't a career for you. Aside from that, sky is wide open. It can be something you tried for a few weeks, years, or still do. What's your trail of hobbies?

[-] [email protected] 46 points 6 months ago

Still waiting for the Zootopia sequel. Genuinely good and creative movie that used the format to talk about tricky topics with some cushion and then became a cult favorite. They added some extra stuff under Zootopia+, they tee'd up the buddy cop format, did all this world building and then... what, Disney, this is the one IP you're not going to squeeze for all its worth? Where's the next one?

[-] [email protected] 94 points 10 months ago

If playfully poking fun at authority by demonstrating how the intended consequences of petty rules can be subverted creatively irks you, you're in the wrong community, hun.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 11 months ago

"E pluribus unum", that's the national motto. "In god we trust" is only on the money because of evangelicals doing this exact same kind of thing in the 50's.

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