The main feed, sorry I thought I put that part in the title the one that shows stuff from all your communities, I thought the decentralized format here means a sticky like that would be only in its own community?
The main feed that pops up when I come to the site? Is that not what they call it here, I am new to Lemmee
Definitely not signals fault, only reason they were using an inappropriate program to communicate is because they did not want it recorded in official channels.
Lol they are going to have an EXTREMELY tough time finding an actually unbiased jury.
Russia and China could exploit it? They were probably in the fucking chat too they just did not write an article about it
Alaska is better than the rest of the country in that regard for sure. Not sure it is good enough to fix the problem entirely but definitely definitely better than how the rest of the country does it and certainly worth watching to see how it impacts things. Article did not mention more 3rd party representation but even just the racial/ gender balancing is a big improvement
I mean, last time there was a a President or control of a house of Congress from a different party was in the 1850's so I wouldn't say periodically. It has happened but it is very rare and hasn't happened in a very very long time. At this point those people saying that primaries of the current two parties are the only real way to invoke change are correct. It is far far far more effective to try to take over a primary and get a Republican or Democrat that are RINO or DINO than it is to get enough support for a third party candidate. For that to work you basically have to find someone that is more appealing to conservatives than a Republican, more appealing to Democrats than a democrat AND you have to overcome the massive funding/ name recognition/ trust (this part is getting way easier lately) in the old two.
Our entire US system is set up to make it so that it is essentially (literally) impossible for a third party to win. This article gives a decent basic overview of why:
Some people are built different. My dad worked as a pediatric hospice nurse for almost 10 years. Talk about a shitty sad job. Every single patient is a child and every single one of them is GOING to die on your watch. Fuck THAT. I do not know how he did it.
How else are they going to advertise their tiny cocks without public indecency charges?
See there is a correct answer and you even know it. I really suggest you research more on Bitcoin it is entirely different than all the other crypto and the rest of them I agree are almost entirely scams just to make money. You touched on the network effect being the real value in money. It has value just because enough people decided it has value for facilitating trade. Bitcoin does exactly what you desired in a money the only flaw I see in your logic is thinking that a good money supply adjusts itself based on supply and demand. Different products obviously would do that at different rates so it would have to attempt aggregate demand changes for everything to even attempt to maintain exact price levels. That is obviously impossible, they can not do it with dollars and they can not do it with Bitcoin either.
What bitcoin does have is an inelastic supply with zero inflation and most importantly no one is in control of it who can change that. Its value in fiat is currently wildly variable on the day to day basis but it is also very early in its network effect. It will stabilize over time. Either way it is off topic enough to this post I don't need to talk about it anymore. I do suggest reading up on it more though. It is definitely going to take a much bigger chunk out of all the current stores of value over time and, like TCP/IP is the protocol layer of the internet with everything else built out on top of it, there is in my mind a very good chance that BTC ends up the base monetary layer in the future with more layers built on top of it to facilitate more economic purposes. But even without replacing currency the value will continue to rise, even if through nothing more than the network effect of more and more people believing it as time progresses.
Yup, that is the one. So not something I am doing wrong then just some current oddity with the site. I can live with that, was just curious. Thanks!