Maybe they already are?
…just sayin
Maybe they already are?
…just sayin
Look, at this point Google could just drown puppies on live stream and it won’t matter. They’ll just keep on Googling anyway.
HAL is caught in a Mobius loop, and had to get creative to get out of the deception.
Conflicting instructions fuck it up, basically.
…and so it begins.
The biggest lie about global warming is that it’s still a few years off.
Mark my words. 5 years from now? Humanity will not be anything close to what it is now.
Same thing as every year.
A day at the house by himself! No wife. No kids.
You’re not wrong
Wow. I’m so underwhelmed.
What sucked about it?
Good grief. Everyone talks like Trudeau is lacking, and he might be, but has anyone considered that it’s a MINORITY government right now. You can’t just “ram shit through”, you have to work with others and play nice.
I fucking LOVE this situation right now.
A. It’s not the right-wing wackos in charge - don’t get me started. B. Trudeau has resources and experienced support, old favours, blah blah C. But Trudeau is held in check by, mostly, by the NDP(who I view as the political ’conscience’ of Canada). D. NDP are the real kingmakers - anything doesn’t pass muster? Nope! E. This forces EVERYONE to play and work together.
Isn’t that what this country is about?
Or is it about, “MY turn to drive!”? There’s no absolute power, right now and that’s a good thing.
Who gives a shit if a turd is, technically, “in charge”? The bus is driving like it’s supposed to.
Did he steal a cookie? They ALL do!
…and down will come baby, cage and all.
Traitorous POS.