
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 45 points 6 days ago (2 children)

FYI you have a typo in your last screenshot (This sign m[a]y not...):

[–] [email protected] 94 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I don't know if there is any single takeaway here, this story is just fucking ridiculous on every single level.

  1. They bullshited themselves into a search warrant based on typical cannabis "investigation methods".
  2. In a state where recreational cannabis use is legal.
  3. Persisted in the search even after their main argument for it, high energy usage indicating a grow-op, fell away when it was clear it was indeed a medical facility.
  4. Made the motherfucking "Gun flies to MRI" TV trope a certified reality. This is a thing that verifiably happened now.
  5. Instead of getting help, used a sealed (!) emergency shutdown button...
  6. ...which damaged the machine. And released thousands of dollars worth of helium gas.
  7. Forgot their loaded magazine on the ground.

This can't be real. I'm fucking dying over here. Please let there be bodycam footage of the cop speaking in a high pitched voice after. (I know the helium was probably not released into the room, but one can hope I guess)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

That image choice though.

AI makes ethical hackers 40% more effective, twice as productive, EC-Council claims

*image of a man facepalming*

I see what you did there Ernestas.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

android auto

First I heard of this, but since it seems to be just some software that runs on the hardware of car manufacturers it seems rather unlikely. But very theoretically possible, if the car manufacturer was using default process scheduling in a CPU constrained machine and now switches to real-time scheduling in an update. But that was possible for years before this news, the code has just been mainlined to the default kernel now. If the car manufacturer cared about that they would probably have done it already with a patched kernel.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

And further from that, maybe if Youtube's Chief Enshittification Officer is against it then taking 23andme private might actually be the best thing to do?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

And it keeps getting worse. Basically the whole base plus some forests and residential areas seem to be burning.

I think these are satellite measurements that accumulate over 24 hours though, so not sure if the image reflects the current situation well.

Link to the NASA map btw if anybody wants to check it out

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Nö, nix verstanden du hast, alles nochmal lesen du vielleicht solltest.

Also ich habe dir eine ziemlich direkte Frage gestellt wie du dazu stehst. Wenn du mir dann mit so einer lavierenden nicht-Antwort um die Ecke kommst... irre ich lieber auf der Seite der Vorsicht.

Thema Einwanderung, von wo sollen die denn einwandern? Aus armen Ländern etwa? Jo, lass uns die gebildeten und lernwilligen Leute abwerben.

Die kommen sowieso, da müssen wir nichts mehr für machen außer die mit offenen Armen willkommen zu heißen. Die Konservativen heulen deswegen doch seit Jahren rum und wollen hier einen auf Festung Europa machen stattdessen. Werden auch nicht weniger werden in Zukunft wenn der Klimawandel erst mal richtig Fahrt aufnimmt.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago

Because bee stingers are mostly used against other insects. They don't get stuck in a chitin exoskeleton, only in the more flexible skin tissue of mammals. In insects the barbs instead pull out soft tissue from inside, thus making them more lethal (to the bees victim).

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Ist eine Wanderausstellung:

In den vergangenen Monaten wurde die Schau bereits an mehreren Orten gezeigt, etwa in Kirchen, in einer Schule, in der Chemnitzer Arbeitsagentur und im Sächsischen Landtag. Nun war als nächste Station Pirna geplant.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Das Zitat ist mir auch sauer aufgestoßen. Was für "positives Feedback" haben die denn erwartet? Das irgendwer das geil findet wenn unsere Polizei nach Hautfarbe aussucht?

Aber naja, wen wundert es mit einem Drittel AfD im Stadtrat...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Ok, du willst also die Menschenrechte abschaffen. Verstanden.

Übrigens, gibt noch eine "Stellschraube" die du vergessen hast, nennt sich Einwanderung.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Der demographische Wandel ist überall auf der Welt ein Problem wo es Menschen gutgeht, sie Zugang zu Bildung haben und Frauen Rechte haben.

Das sind die Punkte wo du ansetzen musst wenn die das Problem beheben willst. [...]

Sozialleistungen gegen Kinder machen wird nur ausgenutzt führt aber nicht zu eine spürbaren Steigerung der Geburtenrate bei den Gruppen die nicht unter die drei oben genannten Einschränkungen fallen.

Nur damit ich das richtig verstehe... Du sagst also wir sollten dafür sorgen das es Menschen schlecht geht, sie ungebildet sind, und Frauen keine Rechte haben?! Bitte sage mir das ich dich falsch verstanden habe!


If the canvas is doubled again to the bottom the LGBTQ flag will turn into a square. SCNR

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Stickying some relevant "war reporting" from the comments to the post body, in a hopefully somewhat chronological order. Thanks for diving into the trenches everybody!

So the "and convicted felon" part of the screenshot that is highlighted was in the first sentence of the article about Donald Trump. After the jury verdict it was added and then removed again pretty much immediately several times over.

Then the article got editing restrictions and a warning about them (warning has been removed again):

During these restrictions there is a "RfC" (Request for Comments) thread held on the talk page of the article where anybody can voice their opinion on the matter:

Money quote:

There's a weird argument for **slight support**. Specifically because if we don't include it in the first paragraph somewhere, either the first sentence or in a new second sentence, there are going to be edit wars for the next 2-6 years. Guninvalid (talk) 22:01, 31 May 2024 (UTC)

There is a second battlefield going on in the infobox on the side (this has also been removed again at this point in time):

The article can apparently only be edited by certain more trusted users at the moment, and warnings about editing "contentious" parts have been added to the article source:

To summarise, here is a map of the status quo on the ground roughly a day after the jury verdict:


So I have tried to search this community, Lemmy in general, and the GitHub issues on LemmyNet/lemmy repo, but didn't immediately see anything discussing this.

It would be really cool if Lemmy would trigger Firefox's new translation icon in the address bar based on the browser/OS/Lemmy language as compared to the post/comment language.

So i.e. if my browser/OS language is English and the post is flagged German or contains comments that are flagged as German, the Firefox address bar should show the little translation beta icon in the address bar, because Firefox can translate between these two languages.

Bonus points if it doesn't offer German translations if I'm logged in and have set German as one of my languages in the Lemmy settings.

(by the way the dialogue always adds "Undetermined" regardless of if it being selected in the settings or not, not sure if that's intended)

Hope you guys can figure it out. Right now the Firefox button doesn't seem to pop up regardless of which Lemmy instance I visit and which language is set where, but it does appear for a lot of other websites.

And while I'm here, thank you for all you do for us users and the Fediverse/ActivityPub in general. It's much appreciated! :)


WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1 %command% + Proton Experimental = working


Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

Article 1 section 1 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.



Kretschmer sagt Cannabis ist eine Einstiegsdroge zum Gipskartonplatten klein hämmern.


Neulandprobleme, kann man nichts machen.

Cannabisgesetz ist Tagesordnungspunkt 6.



Somebody made a post promoting the proprietary search engine they are working on, claiming in the post that it "would make Stallman smile". In a comment below the post they said that they made the statement about Stallman to "drive engagement". The post was later removed for promoting proprietary software.

Image description:

At the top is a screenshot from the modlog saying:

Removed Post We're building a search engine to compete with DuckDuckGo. No JS, no WASM, no spying. Just a statically generated results page.
reason: Comm rule 2: Don’t promote proprietary software

Below that is an image of Stallman smiling.


Zweistündiges Interview mit der neuen Präsidentin des BSI.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I ~~am sure~~ hope somebody™ already thought of this. Feel free to advertise your project here.

P.S.: Image transcription:

Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants gesturing to the left with open hands:

Somebody should take document type conversion from Pandoc and version control from Git

Patrick gesturing to the right in a pushing motion:

And build a frontend around it

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