
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Patience is huge. You have some great shots in there. Sunrise and sunset are your friends. If at all possible shoot then. Study others to see what they’re doing. http://www.roephoto.com/ https://www.rochephoto.com/ https://www.imageaj.com/ https://trahanphoto.com/

Car to car is tough to do and dangerous. Wear a harness. A gimble or a gyro will help a ton.

For still shots get a good tripod and use it. A lot of the beautiful images you see of cars are a composite of multiple images and some have long shutter speeds because you’re shooting in lower light at f/16-ish.

For panning shots shoot about 20 more than you think you need. Play with shutter speeds to achieve the background blur you want.

Study the car your shooting to see how the manufacturer wanted it shot.

Did I mention patience? Remember that.

Good luck you’re doing really well so far. It’s great you’re taking advantage the access to some amazing cars.