Well, the "auto adjust color" filter from my phone cheated a little on that. But yes, air fryer made a very nice roast on the brussel sprouts. And the potatoes are first seared quickly in a hot pan with olive oil, then baked in butter in oven, with thyme.
You need to trust your butcher for sure. In restaurant I very rarely order exept if it's their speciality. It takes time to prepare so in most restaurant it's done beforehand and put in fridge, which is bad.
Homemade ones always taste delicious, but if you had a bad piece of meat you may have one or two "bad" days in the toilet after eating... It happened rarely to me.
Yes, I'm trying different things everytime but the one I converged to is:
For 2 person,
- 250gr meat
- Half a shallot, diced as small as possible
- 2 Garlic, crushed with salt
- Handfull of toasted pine nuts
- ~30gr truffle mozzarella, diced very small
- Little bit of grated parmesan cheese
- Fresh parsley
- Olive oil
- Salt, pepper
Cut the meat and mix everything in a very cold serving bowl. Then make two half sphere with hands to put in the plates, compress a little bit and then push the top with a big spoon to make a rounded "nest" for the egg yolk, add a pinch of salt in the egg. For the meat cut, i tried to translate from French but it's not working well. The best is to ask your butcher.
The original recipe calls for more shallot and some pickles. But i find it's too much "crunchy" vegetable and the additional taste distract from the meat taste.
Something with cinnamon in the oven. Even better apple and cinnamon, but that's probably the nostalgia of my mom's cooking talking.
Otherwise onion and garlic cooking together with oil in a pan is always smelling amazing. And it's part of so many recipes that I do frequently that's it's probably my main "cooking" smell.
They are trying to move from "making an impressive video for the show" to "solving actual, real and usefull applications". So this take obviously a long time to produce new results that show this.
Ok I knew my data were old but I wasn't expecting such a change. I based my answer on the latest "complete" report I knew and it was from 2011. I was expecting the solar to reduce emission as the technology improved obviously, but I found it very strange that the nuclear emission was higher in your source than in the one from 2011. After reading carefully it turns out that the change in safety and regulations for building new nuclear powerplants changed and lead to a big increase of the co2 emission during building. I thought that most of the co2 emission from nuclear was from uranium/plutonium extraction and enrichment but apparently the building itself is a major part of it.
And it's much more green than solar if you consider only greenhouse gas emission over the whole lifetime, including construction. But there are other problems for sure.
Caused by ~~super fog~~ drivers who don't know how to adapt driving speed and safety distance to visibility conditions.
Fixed that for you
They forbid us to add our ssh keys in some server machines, and force us to log in these servers with the non-personal admin account, with a password that is super easy to guess and haven't been changed in 5 years.
Watching tv shows or Youtube too. But I'm limiting myself to one full episode. Or if YouTube, I select a video in the 20~30 minutes range so it will last for the whole meal + small break after. And then I stop.
"haut de ronde" is the best I found so far. Usually "filet mignon" is recommended, but my butcher recommended me to try this one and I find it a little bit better than filet mignon. Because it's a bit more fat