
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

I agree. When leaving reddit I weighed my choices between setting up a forum or a lemmy community/instance and ultimately chose a forum due to their software being more polished & feature-rich, and the fact that threads can have long-term discussions. I really dislike the time-based nature of reddit & lemmy for many things.

I petitioned the forum software devs to join the fediverse though. It's nice to see some of them already joining.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

There are special capsules designed to survive stomach acid, but there are plenty of studies showing they're not necessary in most/many cases.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago

Some people have. It doesn't work like that. Don't put food or probiotics up your butt. FMT can be taken orally.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 hours ago (3 children)

Yes, Culturelle has been shown to be effective for certain conditions, and it's NOT "double capsule probiotic designed to survive the stomach intact and open in the small intestine". So what the previous commenter said is misinformation.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Stomach acid is meant to kill anything, whether it’s a pathogen or beneficial probiotic. Yogurt’s probiotics shouldn’t survive the stomach if all is going well.

This is misinformation.

I had SIBO

Not likely.

You're getting your information from poor quality sources.

I eventually took a double capsule probiotic designed to survive the stomach intact and open in the small intestine and my symptoms were mostly resolved within a week.

Almost certainly placebo or random luck. There are a plethora of probiotic and FMT studies that show it can have significant impacts when you take it directly orally:

We are just starting to understand how crucial gut health is to overall health, including mental health, and basically everyone gets their gut biome carpet bombed with antibiotics on the regular.

Agree. I've done FMT from 15+ donors and haven't yet reversed the damage from antibiotics. When I would share studies about this on reddit I would get viciously attacked by people who seemed addicted to antibiotics.


The goal of the bill. SB 707, is to reduce the millions of tons of unwanted clothing that typically end up in landfills across the state, support the development of upcycling and recycling across the state and address the environmental impacts of “fast fashion.”

“SB 707 isn’t just about recycling; it’s about transforming the way we think about textile waste,” Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), the bill’s author, said in a statement. “The framework created by SB 707 will create new opportunities for every Californian to participate in a more sustainable future.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Hopefully people will start going back to independent forums. Google just added a "forums" tab at the top of their search, so they seem to want that too. It's not good for them that so much information is private on chat programs like Discord, other big social media sites, and concentrated on Reddit.

Lemmy never shows up in search results for me despite some instances having good domain authority, but more people should start using it when it starts showing up.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I use Ecosia instead of Google, but I know that Google recently added a "forums" category to the top of their search. Have you tried that? Hopefully it will help bring back to life independent forums.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

none of the major providers will deliver your email without your mail server having first built a reputation

There are definitely major, and easily-abusable "features" being implemented by the major email providers, but I don't think your statement is correct. I have a Hetzner server, and I can receive email from it (to Gmail) just fine, as long as I have SPF, DMARC, and DKIM set up. I can also create a new server with a new IP and not have any issues. The issues may arise with shared IPs/ranges that are also being used by spammers. Otherwise, if you're planning to send bulk email you just need to warm up the IP.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I’m wondering, is this still your opinion?

I’ve been thinking about updating that blog post but I’m not sure where to add the updates.

I just added a bunch of updates and info at the bottom to help people who are new to the fediverse. Thanks for the nudge.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Yes, I think so.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

There are public instances:

This is one someone previously suggested, and the one I tried that seems to work well: - I see it's not in the list above though. Not sure why.


cross-posted from:

A large percentage of threads I've created or participated in have been deleted. Worse is that when visiting the URL everything is completely gone.

This is much more drastic when compared with Reddit thread deletions, where the thread is there and so is the discussion. And the creator of the thread has access to their content.

The Lemmy method discourages people from participating in threads and creating high-quality content, much more so than the Reddit method.

A bunch of lively and useful discussions on Lemmy have completely disappeared. And it makes it seem like a waste of time to even contribute content here.

EDIT: I see that the "fediverse" link for posts has been removed. I posted this to from a account and there's no way for me to get the link now. And when I crosspost it it shows a link instead of the one. I think this should be changed [back].


A large percentage of threads I've created or participated in have been deleted. Worse is that when visiting the URL everything is completely gone.

This is much more drastic when compared with Reddit thread deletions, where the thread is there and so is the discussion. And the creator of the thread has access to their content.

The Lemmy method discourages people from participating in threads and creating high-quality content, much more so than the Reddit method.

A bunch of lively and useful discussions on Lemmy have completely disappeared. And it makes it seem like a waste of time to even contribute content here.

EDIT: I see that the "fediverse" link for posts has been removed. I posted this to from a account and there's no way for me to get the link now. And when I crosspost it it shows a link instead of the one. I think this should be changed [back].


cross-posted from:

First, you need to understand the factors that contribute to one person being low functioning and another high functioning.

Human health, development, and function are multifactorial: Genetics, epigenetics, microbiome, diet, environmental/industrial pollution, socioeconomic influences, etc.

I have a two-step proposal.

  1. The first step is to limit the impact of low-functioning individuals. Right now society is set up so that society is run by the wealthy and the low functioning majority. This results in these people voting for, and implementing policies that exacerbate the problems instead of fixing them.
  2. The second step is to take action to raise the level of functioning of the human population. This second part probably takes the most learning for the average person. Most people seem to have a very very poor understanding of human health, development, and function. But I tried to condense it into that one article.

My suggestion for tackling the first step is to implement a cognitive (IQ, EQ, etc.) test for city, state, and federal representatives.

Having an IQ test to vote seems problematic. Firstly because of how things like that were used in the past to disenfranchise certain populations. Secondly, the problem right now is that not enough people vote, and that results in the wealthy controlling the government and laws.

I think a better solution is (at minimum) a cognitive test for anyone running for a government position so that can be factored into people's assessment of them. But possibly that won't be enough and it will be necessary to set some minimum requirements for test results.

This way you don't give the option for dumb people to vote for other dumb people. They only get to choose between two intelligent ones.

Some smart people may be corrupt or sociopathic, so this test should be a full psychological evaluation.

I'm curious if it would be possible to get people like Ibram X. Kendi (who gives an interview here on antiracism, anticapitalism and the eugenicist origins of IQ and SAT tests) to agree on both implementation of this solution and an appropriate IQ/psych test for it. I would base my argument to people like him on this type of data [1][2].

My position is also based on polling data from Australia which showed that a political group that is in the vast minority in most countries is the most intelligent, and largest (percentage-wise) supporters of evidence-based policy and holders of evidence-based beliefs. This coincides with the IQ graph I linked earlier. A cognitive test requirement like this should boost the influence of that party and its supporters.

My suggestions for tackling the second step by making people smarter are in this document (which I haven't updated for years). It's doable via a variety of biological and societal interventions.

The problem again is that it's low-functioning people preventing us from implementing these fixes. Possibly if enough intelligent people understand and agree on these fixes and be vocal enough about implementing them we could get it done.

In my opinion, Fecal Microbiota Transplants (FMT) are one of the most promising aspects of this second step. One problem is the people who qualify to be stool donors appear to be extremely rare. You can read more about the current status of FMT in this blog. If you have the ability to influence or fund clinical trials, read this.

As is, with the health of the population rapidly declining, I feel like I'm living in Idiocracy, and surely collapse will be inevitable if nothing is changed.


This is important because "SIBO" has become a really popular "internet diagnosis", and the primary intervention is an antibiotic with potentially severe side effects.

Key points

  • The SIBO-IBS hypothesis has stimulated significant research into the role of the microbiota in symptoms of DBGI but remains unproven.
  • This hypothesis has resulted in serious unintended consequences, namely the use of poorly validated breath tests to diagnose SIBO and the resulting injudicious use of antibiotics.
  • The lactulose breath test (LBT) is primarily a measure of intestinal transit and has very low sensitivity and specificity to diagnose SIBO.
  • The glucose breath test (GBT) has better performance characteristics if the pre-test probability is high, as found in conditions underlying classical SIBO, but also has a high false-positive rate in DGBI.
  • Future studies in DGBI are needed to better understand the impact of bacterial communities, their metabolites, and diet-host interactions in the small and large intestine on DGBI symptoms and move away from the sole focus on absolute numbers of bacteria.

In this review, we examine why the SIBO hypothesis remains unproven and, given the unintended consequences, discuss why it is time to reject this hypothesis and its reliance on breath testing.

More info & discussion.


Because they’re near the bottom of the food chain, shrimp don’t generally tend to accumulate the environmental toxins, like mercury or dioxins, found in big predators such as tuna or swordfish.

Mercury and arsenic can build up in the sludge under shrimp ponds. However, even the highest levels of heavy metals Dr. Martín has found in Ecuadorean farmed shrimp were half of what one sees in the least contaminated tuna.

Frozen shrimp may contain preservatives like sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium bisulfite, which people with sulfite or phosphate sensitivities may want to avoid.

In many countries, shrimp farms also use large amounts of antibiotics to keep the animals healthy. [...] has found banned antibiotics in imported shrimp, as well as unlabeled preservatives.

Wild-caught shrimp are more expensive but also tastier and less likely to be contaminated with environmental toxins.

When it comes to the health of the oceans, many experts say shrimp is among the most damaging foods you can eat.

In 2015, The Associated Press revealed the wide use of slave labor in the Thai shrimp industry. The U.S. Department of Labor has also called out shrimp production in Bangladesh, Myanmar and Cambodia for using child or forced labor. More recently, investigative reporting from The Outlaw Ocean Project offered a damning look at shrimp farming in India, the biggest shrimp importer to the United States, that raised concerns not just about labor practices, but also banned antibiotics and environmental damage.

Fishing practices in the United States and Canada again tend to be less harmful to ocean life than they are elsewhere. Otherwise, look for shrimp certified by the Marine Stewardship Council.

But experts said the most important thing you can do is simply ask about sustainable options. That signifies that there is a desire for sustainable seafood.


It was probably largely what the episode was based on. Eg: this blog post discussing searching for top athletes

I know this isn't meme format, but I saw another discussion post here and thought people would find this interesting :)


Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on

There were no "issues"; everything was working completely fine. This is a deliberate decision to force people to turn off tracking protection.

I saw a recommendation to use Firefox's container extension, but it's disabled in private browsing windows, and I always use private browsing windows.

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