Fraud may be the incorrect term in a technical sense, but they did engage in mass targeted vote suppression, especially in swing states.
Take a look at this:
Full documentary on YouTube. For free. Intentionally.
If we can get word of this EVERYWHERE asap, I really really really hope we can get those suppressed votes counted. If the right people who know what to do see it soon enough
Edit for a Tl;dr of the documentary: Highly influential people used an old Jim Crow law to question the legal right to vote of ~~tens of thousands~~ (I misremembered. It’s allegedly around 2.7 million) of voters. These people were NOT notified, and their votes NOT counted because of this.
This is MAJOR intentional election interference.
I seem to have have understated the number of provisional ballots thrown out. Allegedly it was close to 2.7 million.
This video is how I found out, which led to me sitting down and watching the full story:
I am a person who really hates getting into politics. It bores and confuses me.
That said, I don’t think this is a good time to lie down and give up.
Every single thing we can do to keep this monster out of control, including a vote recount and finding out if those 2.7 million wrongfully suppressed provisional ballots can be restored. It’s a gross injustice.