
joined 2 years ago
[–] Makeshift 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I seem to have have understated the number of provisional ballots thrown out. Allegedly it was close to 2.7 million.

This video is how I found out, which led to me sitting down and watching the full story:

I am a person who really hates getting into politics. It bores and confuses me.

That said, I don’t think this is a good time to lie down and give up.

Every single thing we can do to keep this monster out of control, including a vote recount and finding out if those 2.7 million wrongfully suppressed provisional ballots can be restored. It’s a gross injustice.

[–] Makeshift 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Fraud may be the incorrect term in a technical sense, but they did engage in mass targeted vote suppression, especially in swing states.

Take a look at this:

Full documentary on YouTube. For free. Intentionally.

If we can get word of this EVERYWHERE asap, I really really really hope we can get those suppressed votes counted. If the right people who know what to do see it soon enough

Edit for a Tl;dr of the documentary: Highly influential people used an old Jim Crow law to question the legal right to vote of ~~tens of thousands~~ (I misremembered. It’s allegedly around 2.7 million) of voters. These people were NOT notified, and their votes NOT counted because of this.

This is MAJOR intentional election interference.

[–] Makeshift 3 points 1 month ago

That’s implying that fishing is a great activity. That is about as okay as saying it’s okay that people chose not to vote.

I did not state it in a mean way, I simply said it in a way that says please do not encourage animal abuse.

I do not think it’s a good thing to encourage animal abuse, and I don’t think good people should be encouraged to continue normalizing it.

Please don’t ask people to stay silent about cruelty. That’s helps keep it normalized.

[–] Makeshift 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yes, because he can do anything he wants and just declare legal.

There is no punishment for this supervillain. His cult makes sure of that.

[–] Makeshift 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The point is that torturing animals is something that we probably shouldn’t recommend.

It is yanking a water animal by their mouth into an environment they cannot breathe. And if memory serves, fish have a lot of nerves in their mouths so that hurts a LOT, and even released ones have a reduced survival rate.

That “fun and wholesome” activity causes a lot of pain and stress to the victims, so it’s kinder to recommend something less cruel. Like birdwatching and photography.

[–] Makeshift 9 points 2 months ago

I laughed audibly at this instead of the usual small ‘heh’. This is a good one.

[–] Makeshift 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I can only speak for myself, but as someone who before 2020 didn’t care at all to get involved in politics (aka voting), hearing about this literal meme causing real problems for real people all the damn time certainly did get me to vote.

Twice, now. When previously I couldn’t be bothered.

This man is so terrible that he’s gotten me to vote just to do my part in making sure he stays the fuck out of office.

[–] Makeshift 9 points 2 months ago

I am not a politically-minded person. All these names and legalese questions and policies confuse and bore me.

I voted for Harris yesterday. If I can gather the willpower to vote Harris and help a prosecutor stop a felon from becoming a king, all of you other not-normally-voter types can do it.

We can do it, people!

[–] Makeshift 5 points 2 months ago

Without any studies as backing, my best guess is “Dogs have owners, cats have servents”.

Alternatively: Dog thinks ‘Human gives me food and cleans my poop. Human must be a god!’. Cat thinks ‘Human gives me food and cleans my poop. I must be a god!’

And apparently cats have us psychologically hacked to adore them in multiple ways. Like how their purr is helpful for human stress relief.

Tl;dr I think it’s because cats own you back, and a narcissist would have an easy time hating them for that.

[–] Makeshift 11 points 2 months ago

That took me a good 30 seconds to figure out.

[–] Makeshift 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

What? It’s not like, everyone? Huh. TIL.

[–] Makeshift 16 points 2 months ago

Until there’s no one below them to keep the air conditioning working.

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