Wow, out and out that it’s 100% okay to sell a marginalized society’s history back to them at a price. What. The. Fuck.
The American way.
Wow, out and out that it’s 100% okay to sell a marginalized society’s history back to them at a price. What. The. Fuck.
The American way.
So, because I was reminded of Alito's take, I got curious and was pleasantly surprised by Wikipedia's entry about religions that are lgbtq friendly.
You guys' comments here are so wholesome.
We learned by rote, same with math. I still feel cheated I wasn't taught common core math, after seeing a video on YT a few years back.
It's the most practical tax idea I've heard in forty years, tbh.
Lol'd. Leaving the typo for context. This thread made me happy. Thanks everyone!
I have nfi who this woman is, but personally think the photo on the right looks a lot better.
This made me laugh, and I'm still typing this with a bug grin on my face. Everyone made fun of me for doing this! I don't regret one moment of it.
Exactly correct!
American. He's neoliberal and right wing.