Needed a belly laugh. OP delivers! Thanks, 🖖 and congrats again on the neonate!
Shares location, collects other data, no data deletion. I really like the idea of the app, just not the lack* of privacy.
In some cases, no consent at all.
Animals tend to force sex, as well. Humans call it rape.
Some people can be religious and understand metaphor: some people can be atheist and understand metaphor. Some prime can be religious and interpret religion literally: as can some atheists (eg ” those people believe all the species on earth fit on a boat" when obviously, many religious don't). I'm reading statements that make good points, either way. Maybe peer review being more stringent would address a lot?
Will there be quiche? Vegan is fine.
In The Handmaid's Tale (book), the Captain took his wife's handmaid to a sex club.
It's not in the gospels, but an apostle later said faith without works* is dead. He probably said some abhorrent stuff too, but it's late and I'm too tired to think.
Jesus was a pinko hippie vagrant, what with his transience and homelessness, healing and feeding people for free and quest of all his forgiveness and turning the other cheek. He was also one heck of a magician, multiplying meager food supplies for a few into enough for 5k people and necromancy. I guess healing is magic, the way he did it, though.
Oh and on top of all that, he l didn't subjugate those of the feminine persuasion and performed most of his miracles for Palestinians, Syrians and other foreigners, crossing borders without legal documentation.
The Jesus of modern religion is just Mammon, in expensive cheap costume, caked on stage makeup and really good lighting.
It's supposed to pay reasonable bills and feed, clothes, shelter people and comfort prisoners, but you know...I think we should do that with tax dollars and mutual aid/donations but that's just me.
In perpetuity. The meager cuts for Joe and Jane average has a ten year maximum.
Always welcome, my dear laughter-is-the-best-medicine friend. Sleep is also good medicine. Here's hoping you and Mom are getting enough.