There's a lot of corruption in my government, at national, state and municipal levels. Not every citizen is corrupt (many are, how else would you survive without being shunned/blackballed? Unless you already gained stability some miraculous way --lotto, large inheritance?) and your post boils down to something I've been pondering for a few months: those who disapprove corruption without calling out benefit from corruption. It's the madam/working girl, bully/bullied mentality. At least in my area, I don't think it's fear of life and limb, since most people I see are willing to risk life and limb on corruption, but I guess there's a difference between going out relatively quickly rather than being tortured to death.
I remember users on another platform went into full rage mode when I said the stock market was just legalized gambling, telling me how SAFE!!! IT IS IF YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!>
Okay. Black Friday and Too Big to Fail only happened in my dreams.
They do follow certain people around who may or not be of certain demographic representation.
Can't have people who can't afford to eat actually eat? This is sad, and it doesn't bode well, for global society.
Lol'd. I've seen it in sparsely wooded areas outside that serves as green space, in midsized cities as well, but yes, mostly rural/small towns.
Ever visited underserved areas of the USA? We're talking furniture dumped in barely wooded areas.
That hasn't changed much. In my area, women are sleeping with men to get minimum wage and work twice as hard as men who don't sleep with the same men (I guess) to not work hard and make 2-3 times as much. Let's just say I've learned I can do without a whole lot of stuff I didn't think I could before. For years.
Wake up, neo...
I wondered how the heck humans made so. many. posts! Thanks for this post, I may unblock someone else. But maybe not bc I didn't need every stupid comment made by orange people (although it may be a good Idea, residing where I do, to be informed about certain developments pertaining to them).
Lived in a red state most of my life. I dream of that Golden State, and also other places around the globe.