submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ublock Origin is an obvious one, but I also can't stand not having Foxy Gestures anymore. It adds customizable mouse gestures, so you can set it up to have easy swipes to go back a page, reload a page, close a tab, etc, and it feels wonderful and smooth to use compared to just using the traditional buttons to do everything. Honestly it's kinda wild to me that this isn't more popular now that people are so used to phone gestures. It's good for the same reasons!

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

That is my favorite way I have ever heard anyone express that wish.

Some lint for you (accuracy may vary):

Bee family trees, if you follow a queen down through drones and workers and other queens, follow the fibonacci sequence. The fibonacci sequence is also reflected in the structure of spiral seashells. Source: Some book I read about the fibonacci sequence many years ago.

Flamingoes are motherfucking TANKS. Seriously. Their ability to survive in absurdly harsh environments that would kill other animals is wild.

Only female reindeer lose their antlers in wintertime (disclaimer: this may depend on species of reindeer?)

Some guy (Russian I think?), when a computer informed him that nuclear missiles had been fired at his country and he was told to return fire, correctly believed the computer to be bugged and refused to fire the missiles. So uh. Thanks, guy. He went and lived out his life normally and never got appropriate thanks for saving a shitload of people, I think. Source: memory of wikipedia article, may be wrong on some details so really I should be double checking those before repeating them but here you go I'm too tired for that.

Some other guy survived BOTH the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, and lived to old age afterwards. Somehow both the literal worst luck, and the best.

There is a parasite that latches on to ants' feet that does not harm the ant - in fact, it fully replaces the function of the ant's foot, including forming a claw to help the ant grab stuff like it would with its actual foot. There is also a similar parasite that replaces a fish's tongue (yeah I hate it too).

Octpuses only live for like 3 years max, and the females die after laying their eggs. Meanwhile, they are really, really, really smart, like dolphins and parrots and crows. Imagine being that aware and smart, but only living 3 years. It disturbs me.

Uranium glass, which is exactly what it says on the tin - glass made with a teensy bit of uranium in it - glows in the dark in (typically) bright, cartoon acid green.

Whales can and do communicate across vast distances because their calls carry much more easily in water than sound carries in air.

Hammerhead sharks' heads detect electrical fields, and they use these fields to locate their prey. Run.

The whole alpha/beta/omega wolf pack thing is complete bullshit, retracted even by the person who first popularized it, and he has spent years upon years trying to scrub out that idea he unleashed into pop culture but has been unable to.

Elephants' feet are very sensitive, able to feel minute vibrations from miles away, and they can communicate with them. Also they do NOT make the thumping sound that is foley'd into nature documentaries - they walk silently. Also, the bottom of their feet looks like swiss cheese and you should not google that if you have tryptophobia.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago

We need one of those mod appliable (or vote-appliable?) "Misleading title" or "headline altered" tags maybe

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

I hope one of the archive projects (archiveTeam or others) has backed up r/askhistorians past posts and comments, just in case.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Dang, after reading that, somehow I'm even more glad I overwrote all my past comments and posts with a protest message. You do not get to monetize my speech down to keyword targetting, reddit!

The way that's written is so blatantly and shamelessly "all these people volunteer and provide an amazing service for free! :D look how much money we can make off this free labor without giving any of those volunteers a single cent, and while sabotaging the service!"

If you want to auto-overwrite your comments and posts, or just delete them, check out Power Delete Suite or Redact by June 30th, before the API change breaks these tools.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't mean Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom style "this game kind of asks to be broken and have its puzzles circumvented as a feature" stories, but more stuff like:

  • playing GTA while obeying all the traffic rules

  • playing Fortnite as a pacifist like in that one John Green youtube series on Hank Green's gaming channel

  • a group inventing its own rules within a multiplayer game

  • driving around the race track backwards

  • collecting all the cabbages in skyrim and storing them in your house and having that be the only goal you care about

  • playing single player games as multiplayer ones

  • playing games that aren't in a language you speak, and trying to understand it and its story and mechanics

  • playing a game with a wacky or unintended controls setup

  • self-assigning extra goals, like achievement hunting in ye olden days before achievements/trophies in the modern sense were a thing

And anything else along those lines.

Or your own personal speedrunning stories, too, especially if they're funny, even though speedrunning has become its own big meta-game thing at this point, so most speedrunning is speedrunning done correctly/as intended in a way. Have any of you done speedrunning "incorrectly" somehow?

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The supposed tendency of lemmings to run blindly off cliffs is greatly exaggerated, too, and based on a 'documentary' where they were pushed off one by a human. A tiny group of documentarians abused some lemmings and ruined their reputation forever.

tldr I'm proud to be a lemming :) Let's rejuvenate the reputation of lemmings the animal.

That said, I did enjoy the old "Lemmings" video game, featuring rather human-shaped lemmings that you had to prevent from falling to their deaths.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been trying to log in on the mobile website off and on all day, but it hasn't worked even once - I just get the little loading circle spinning and it hangs there forever. (This is on Firefox Nightly, if it matters.) I can still view beehaw posts and comments while logged out a-okay, I just can't log in for some reason.

Meanwhile, my account is still working perfectly on the Jerboa app, which I used to make this post.

Anyone else running into this issue?

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I agree. On reddit, there are a bazillion different "gaming" subreddits that are only named different because that's the only way to have different communities around the same topic: r/gaming, r/games, r/truegaming, r/patientgamers, r/girlgamers, r/transgamers, r/gaymers, and so on.

Each of those communities has a different feel and different moderation and different priorities, and no way no how would I want r/gaming posts mixed in if I'm trying to browse r/transgamers, for example.

Similarly, I'm mostly sticking to Lemmy instances that disable the downvote button, because it makes for friendly places I think, and lowers the barrier to posting for socially anxious users.

I like the idea of there being a way for users, or for similar groups of instances that agree to it (like if beehaw and an instance with similar rules/community feel wanted to collaborate a bit), to set up a multi-lemmy 'all' community thing that shows posts across similar communities, but it should still be optional.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That is fantastic news.

I've already deleted my reddit account, but I use RedReader primarily as a "look, don't touch" way to view reddit anyways. RedReader allows you to customize so much that you can turn off all the voting buttons and the reply buttons, so you just get a nice minimalist reading experience, don't have the constant tiny mental overhead of voting, and don't risk getting tempted into impulsively wasting your time (and supporting reddit) writing comments/posts.

Edit: being able to use RedReader for Lemmy would be wonderful, but it looks like that might be a thing in the distant future, perhaps, but not the near future.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Petz 5 gameplay video (I just snagged the top youtube search result): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hn4z1RYlrU. Just look how cute these pixels are :D

Basically you just... have some digital pets. You pet them, feed them, play with them, and breed them to create more pets that turn out as a convincing-enough mix of the two parents. That's it. There are in-game environments, but also a mode that lets your petz wander around your desktop - I never used it much, but hey.

There is also some interesting video game history around the way they designed the pets to be made of balls, and what that allowed them to do, but I'm not qualified to explain that and can't remember where I heard about it.

The only modern similar thing I'm aware of is Desktop Goose, which admittedly is also pretty dope (and a great way to prank your buddies, just sayin'). https://samperson.itch.io/desktop-goose

And I guess, almost, pokemon? Sort of? Not really. But it at least has that "collect cute animals" element to it.

Remember Neopets? I kinda wish I'd gotten more into that when it was a thing lol.

I think perhaps games like this have just fallen into the pit that "girly" games in general have fallen into, where that entire market is ignored by developers/publishers. The (by vast majority) men who are in charge think girls don't care about game quality, or that parents won't pay for it, or that girls barely play games at all (and ofc ignoring any self-fulfilling prophecy), so they just churn out cheap junk, if they do anything targeted to that segment at all. It's dumb and it doesn't have to be this way. But it's the same reason we still don't have high quality horse games, except for games like Zelda and Red Dead Redemption 2 and Shadow of the Colossus that have horses that are more developed/involved than in most games but still aren't the main focus of the game.

I'm not saying we should have more gendered marketing - no thanks - but entire categories of games have been thrown in the can because they're perceived as being girly. None of these categories have to be presented or marketed in a gendered way, nor would they be inherently bad in games - men and boys could easily enjoy them too.

Just look at how many games involve "character customization" that is just another way of saying dress-up at the end of the day (gotta have that 'don't show helmet' button, and clothes dying, and special versions of armor that just look slightly different but have the same stats!), or at wildly popular games like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft, which feature a lot of homemaking and decorating. Just look at the fact that if a dog is in a game, you'd better be able to pet the dog, because near everyone wants to pet the dog.

I'd be absolutely shocked if a really high quality horse game couldn't be equally popular, especially given how much many men and boys also like the horses when they've appeared in games where they aren't the focus (and on the rare occasion when they almost are - so many people got so attached to Agro in Shadow of the Colossus). And there are veritable hordes of horse-loving women and girls (and some men and enbies among them too) who have been yearning for good horse games for YEARS.

Heck, a horse game could be anything from a "take long rides through relaxing forests, maybe with a bit of a pokemon snap element" to "sports management game but with race horses this time" to "tricksy sports sim, or local co-op QWOP/Octodad-alike, about dressage or barrel racing or horse jumping" to "you're a messenger in a fantasy universe and you've gotta go fast but also cooperate with and not exhaust your horse, while managing your resources and time, and your horse actually has some personality and isn't just a car with legs".

This video from Moon Channel, run by a lawyer who normally talks about copyright law re. video games, does a good job of making this argument more thoroughly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BtmNI-xTbQ.

Anyway. Originally I only meant to talk about Petz, but the post kinda ran away from me. C'est la vie.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have some similar concerns, although reddit does hang on to deleted comments and posts for themselves/their monetization and tracking purposes. That's why those reddit account deletion scripts edit all comments before deletion, and people are (were?) advised to let the edited comments sit for 24 hours before finally deleting them. I don't know if that actually works anymore to delete the comment from reddit's servers, though; somebody said they started keeping the pre-edited versions of comments to get around it.

At least with Lemmy you also have the option of hosting your own instance, which I would think could get around some of these concerns? I haven't looked into it much.

If you post on multiple communities, too, I think your info is spread around multiple servers. And there's no monetary incentive for people to be trying to track us, except perhaps on instances hosted by companies.

But the only company I know of that currently has an instance (I think) is Mozilla, and since I use Firefox, they'd have a heck of a lot of other options if they wanted to invade my privacy.

Edit: I dislike that when I delete a comment, it just deletes the text and leaves my username there above the deleted comment marker. I can kind of see why it might be desired for accountability purposes, but also, ehhh.

[-] [email protected] 115 points 1 year ago

This Lemmy migration does feel like waaaaay more positive of a result than I ever expected from reddit getting worse.

I've always appreciated the idea of the fediverse, but mastodon and the twitter-style of social media has never appealed to me, and Lemmy used to be so tiny and niche, so I didn't invest much time in it until now. But this sure is nice, comparatively. I'm probably on here too much though!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I love that we can have screen names as well as the unique account username, but I'm wondering: if I look at a comment thread containing two people using the same display name (in the worst case, where one is trying to impersonate the other) is there a clear indicator to see that Person A is not Person B?

In discord this used to be done with the four digit number after the display name, but that doesn't seem to be a thing here, and so far as I can tell it's not displaying my account name on my comments and posts.

I worry that, as Lemmy grows, perhaps an issue with impersonators could develop if distinguishing between different users with the same display name requires checking their account pages, since most people won't check. But maybe I'm missing something?

To be clear, I'm not remotely arguing for getting rid of the display names. I love the display names, keep the display names. Especially when I'm just imagining a hypothetical future problem that may not even turn out to be much of a problem.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

Long press on the empty space to the right of the username.

How were you supposed to know this? Magic, clearly. 🙃

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Ditto. Brave also promotes their own crypto-coin ponzi nonsense. And at one point I believe they made a far-right website a default link on their homepage, before outcry compelled them to remove it.

Duckduckgo search engine works as well as google's, though. Except that I haven't yet figured out what the equivalent formatting for "site:reddit.com" is for it, if site specific search is even a supported function (surely?)

Edit: I won't scold anyone for using a free browser though. It's not like you give them $$$. But they do get your data, and while they claim to be about privacy I don't exactly trust them as far as I can throw them.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I dunno about "tomorrow". Eventually, maybe. But today's AI are just language models. If there are no humans answering questions and creating new reporting for new events/tech/etc, then the AI can't be trained on their output and won't be able to say a single thing about those new topics. It'll pretend to and make shit up, but that's it.

Being just language models - really great ones, but still, without any understanding of the content of what they say whatsoever - they're currently in a state of making shit up all the time. All they care about is the likelihood that one word or phrase or paragraph might typically follow another, for truthy sounding language, but that's often very far from actual truth.

The only way to get around that is to create AI that isn't just a pile of language algorithms, and that's an entirely different beast than what we're dealing with now, who knows how far off, if it's even possible. You can't just iteratively improve a language algorithm into not being just a language algorithm anymore.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

They're so beautiful but people don't look at them really when they're used to them, I guess. But just watch the way deer move. They're incredible.

Also fawns are cute.

I will make this random opinion post 'educational' by adding that deer are ungulates, and that only female reindeer keep their antlers in the winter. This last point may depend on the species of reindeer though, I'm not sure.

On a not really related note, how tf do bighorn sheep and/or goats balance so confidently when they climb cliffsides. I will have to google this later.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For a long time, a tiny handful of sites, especially reddit and other social media and youtube, have dominated my idea of the internet, and I'd love to change that and find cool new places.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

And what specifically makes it special, appealing, or interesting to you?

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