I don’t know if I would call a comedy about a group of vampires that are roommates living in Staten Island as ‘light hearted’ but I’d suggest What We do in the Shadows. Think the office/parks and rec style work place moucumentary sitcom with characters totally out of touch with reality and the time they’re living in turned up a bit on the absurd.
But you mustn’t toouuuccchh because his name can be saiidd by annyonnee
Just don’t get the kid to start singing
The Crystal Ship
And the award for best heavy metal album goes to… Simpsons Christmas boogie?!
Quick, check to see if all of the dolphins left the planet.
Your husband was found DOA
Maggie you’re her best friend, you should go talk to her.
I guess I was expecting the same format as game of thrones where they would have a longer, epic episode as the penultimate for the season and do some falling action/fallout from the previous episode for the season finale. As I finished watching it I thought, “wow that was a great climax for the season, I look forward to the season finale next week”
Chicago 3 hour marathon set WHOOO
I’m a simple man, I see Gizz and I upvote
I agree that they are extremely similar seeing how both were created by Greg Daniels. Both are funny upon first watch but I do not see the office as the greatest sitcom ever, it gets old and replayed way too much. I was more so comparing what we do in the shadows to the office and parks and rec in the shows format- Fake reality shows following around people in their day to day lives (undead lives in the case or WWDITS).