
joined 4 years ago

we dunk on libs and cons so much we sometimes forget centrists are worse. they are so. much. worse.



I fished them out using a pair of tongs that I put under hot water in the sink. I went to get some alcohol wipes while I left the tongs under the sun, after drying the AirPods with some bathroom tissue (and throwing out the ear tips).

Once I had the wipes, I cleaned the AirPods multiple times, and wiped them on a microfibre cloth. Now I’m letting them under stay in the sun.

I don’t know what more to do. I plan to let them be under the sun for the rest of the day, and probably wipe them a few more times. I don’t know if that’ll be enough to soothe my worries, though.


I’m not kidding. This will make Gen-Zers vote for Trump. All he has to say is he’ll reverse the ban. He’s already announced that he opposes this bill and that this only supports Facebook.

Biden and the Democrats are so fucking insane. I do not understand it. They want to lose all support with every fucking base they have.

I’ll never stop being on TikTok.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Seriously tho, couldn’t stop comparing the situation to Palestine during the first half of the movie. An invading army with super-advanced tech in a desert environment vs a bunch of brave fighters fighting with knives and stuff. It was cool. And sad.

I liked the movie, btw. Would recommend. Now I’m gonna read the book.

Edit - It’s also a good criticism of the white savior trope but that goes into spoilers territory.


I have photos of the backs of men where Israeli men carved pictures, smiley faces, Stars of David, etc. in their skin. Women narrated stories to me of Israeli soldiers laying them, laying hundreds of women, on the ground and then taking their guns with laser and laughing, and wherever the laser landed, they shoot.

I spoke with a woman whose three year old daughter had both of her legs shattered…she was intentionally shot by a soldier…after they’d killed her son, shot him through the head, in what she described as tank fire, toying with them, for about 30 minutes, before they finally delivered the final blow.

People who’re fleeing their homes to get to the south having to walk with their hands up with their IDs and if anybody dares to look down or pick anything up, they’re picked off, they’re literally shot by snipers.

I spoke with a little girl, about eight years old, whose face was badly burned, but her injuries were the least in the whole families, the entire family had third degree burns all over their bodies.

People are being discharged from hospitals with wounds and going into tents where they don’t have running water and proper hygiene and getting horrible infections and dying from sepsis.

The food that does come in to Rafah is primarily canned food and most of it…and I’ve seen it and tasted it myself, it is stuff that has clearly been sitting on shelves for decades. All you can taste, really, is the rancidity, and metallic taste of the can.

People schedule their days around trying to get to a single, shared bathroom, that’s shared by hundreds of other families. They try to do their best with hygiene but it’s impossible.

People don’t have medicines. People are dying from lack of insulin, which, by the way, Israel has banned from coming into Gaza. They dying from diarrhoea because they’re drinking polluted water and Israel has also banned water filtration systems, even handheld ones, simple, personal, water filtration systems that Americans use when they go camping.

And, on top of that, they are bombed day in and out. Even in Rafah. When I was there, there was not a single night, that we didn’t hear bombs. And at least once, was close enough, that the building I was in shook and we thought that our building had actually been hit…And there was another moment too when a tent by a hospital where we had just been was bombed, they bombed a tent.


I haven't read Saito's books, or looked too deeply into degrowth as a movement. I just read this article and thought it made some good arguments against what it claims are Saito's understandings of Marx. I'm not sure I agree with everything, but I thought it was interesting enough to share.


The section before this was about the history of Yoga, and I feel the author just had a fucking seizure while watching Fox News, before continuing to write the book. agony-consuming

Like what.


Rebecca Watson continues being the best of the liberals and the skeptics.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

That's super cool! Are the rest of the books still worth reading in your opinion? Failing that, does the first book have a good enough ending that I can stop there?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

This is really cool. I know so little about the history of other Homo species. Learning more is always so fascinating. I wonder why they never created civilizations of the sort we did? They left Africa hundreds of thousands of years before us? Does anyone have any good resources to learn about the history of other Homo species?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago

The Roads Project had a number of adversaries, but the chief rival is a group known as the New Page Patrol, or the NPP for short. The NPP has a singular mission. When a new page goes up on Wikipedia, it gets reviewed by the NPP. The Patrol has special editing privileges and if a new article doesn’t meet the website’s standards, the NPP takes it down.

I love this.

The Wikipedia platform is designed for interoperability. If you want to start your own Wiki, you can split off and take your Wikipedia work with you, a process known as “forking.” It’s happened before for similar reasons. One of the more significant forks was a Pokémon battle. Pikachu and Squirtle are culture icons, and they get their own pages. But by 2005, Wikipedia had amassed articles about lesser characters, and the website came together and decided that only the best and brightest Pokémon warrant a dedicated article. Faced with a mass deletion of their hagiographies on Dragonite and Garchomp, the Pokémon editors forked their articles over to a new website, Bulbapedia, where their work continues.

I. Fucking. LOVE THIS.

Thank you for introducing me to this glorious internet kerfuffle. I love this and I love you for showing it to me.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

The Pine Island glacier formed a 6.5-mile-long crack at 80 mph, proving to scientists that some glaciers can shatter like glass.

some glaciers can shatter like glass.

That sentence has no right to be so scary. What the fuck.

Also, I see the speedrun to Doomsday continues. Won't expect anything else.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago

Several users note that Hianime is only a typo away from Hanime, which is an adult-themed site focusing on Hentai content.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

You raise very valid points. Those are absolutely concerns I might have too if I actually believed in a god - am I following all the rules, am I good enough to get the good ending etc etc. It's good to not have illusions that a higher authority will take care of the problems of this world and actually work to fix it ourselves.

And in moments of hope, when things are improving, it seems we as humans are succeeding in that. But looking at the world now, those moments seem fewer and fewer. It gets harder to keep working on improving, or even thinking that we can improve.

But I don't want to just say injustice is natural and bad things will always happen and cannot be stopped. Individually, yeah - there will always be people who do things that are not good. But on a societal scale? A better world is possible. In this aspect, having a belief in a higher authority, one you believe will be "good" and "just" can help centre you and give you hope. I guess, spiritual rather than actually religious. But I can't even believe in that.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 months ago

The legislation, House Bill 500, would allow employers to stop offering their workers “reasonable” lunch and rest breaks, mandatory under current Kentucky law, and end the requirement that employees who work seven days in a row receive overtime pay.... According to the Kentucky Lantern, the bill also “(prevents) employers from being punished for not paying minimum wage or overtime pay when an employee is traveling to and from a workplace.”

Kentucky has been in the spotlight recently for other pieces of legislation scaling back worker protections, including one bill passed by the House removing working hour restrictions for 16- and 17-year-olds, which Pratt said would get children “off the couch [and] quit playing Nintendo games.”... It is also the state where, in May 2023, U.S. Department of Labor investigators discovered two 10-year-old workers operating dangerous cooking equipment while working late shifts at a McDonald’s.

The bill passed a Republican-led House committee Wednesday in a party-line vote and now moves to a vote by the full chamber.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

Sasa had also noticed the beachside photos, reminiscent of the beaches of Gaza facing the Mediterranean Sea.

KW Realty, the company managing the sales event on March 3, and donating items to the IDF, is a member of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). The OREA is infamous for their stranglehold on the political environment in Ontario, for participating in Premier Doug Ford’s pay-for-play schemes, and finally for comprehensively lining every major political party’s pockets. The Canadian Real Estate Association also has a significant war chest to impact politics nationwide, including in Montreal, Quebec.

Canada is infamous for voting against UNGA resolutions condemning the settlements. The real estate industry in Canada has therefore found an opportunity to capitalise on the settlements in the West Bank. The ultra-orthodox Jewish community is a major buyer in both Canada and the US, and they feel comfortable with the diplomatic support they’re getting from both countries at the UN.


[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago (5 children)

When I was younger, I became a "rational" and "atheist" type - I have to thank my parents for that. They were the scientific but spiritual type and allowed me to come to my own conclusions, rather than forcing religion down my throat. I'm glad, too. Because when I met religious people later on, I was able to look at the absurdity of it all and brush it off.

But now I'm older, and I sometimes wish this weren't the case. I truly wish I could believe in a soul or a heaven/hell or reincarnation or any other form of higher being than us. I get it. I get why people do. The world is ruled by evil people who do terrible, evil things and this belief in a higher authority where they will one day be judged, and all the innocents who suffer will finally have peace... it's the only way to cope with it.

I don't believe in a soul, but I wish I did.


The Amber Heard stuff I already knew about, not the extent of the bots, but the fact that a lot of the narrative coming out about her around the time was manufactured.

What was most surprising to me was the bit about fMRIs and how, if you’re with a person who displays/not-displays empathy about a specific issue, your brain patterns literally, fucking physically, change to mimic them.

It constantly blows my mind just how high humans are on the “social creature” scale in complete contrast to the myths of “individual” and “independent thinkers” and all the neoliberal and conservative bs.

And I’m sure, as the video also points out, this is 100% what is happening with the dominant narrative surround Palestine. Israel and Western propaganda flooding the traditional news and social media with their version of events and their take on these events - who’s focus is on dehumanising Palestinians - is using this same effect to prevent people from gaining empathy for Palestinians.

Like, obviously this is happening and has been happening for numerous causes and conflicts. But, man, the fMRI showing actual physical change in the brain is just…it’s just scary.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

D12 is an odd choice. Wonder why they did so. Usually systems that use one die type use multiple D6 - it’s easier for adoption. I guess people who want to play will need to buy to get the cards anyways, so they can be supplied with D12s in the box. But 12 is a lot of numbers for anything other than pure dmg rolls. What is specific about a D12 that can’t be accomplished with a D6? Failure, Partial Success, Full Success, even Critical Failure are used in various systems with D6. I’m interested in what they’re doing differently.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

It’s not just the gaming industry. Every industry is in crisis right now- tech, journalism, you name it, they’re all firing people.

Some claim it’s due to over hiring during covid, but even industries that didn’t over hire are firing workers so while that is a part of the problem, it’s not the entire thing

For Deck Nine, their statement seems more personal than the ones by bigger companies. Make sense. But hopefully this decision was made after they’ve already cut salaries and bonus for their higher eps and tried to take other measures. Otherwise, the more “personal” message is just fluff.


I’d had a late breakfast and knew I’d be prepping lunch soon, so I didn’t bother cleaning the skillet. Bad idea.

Heated the oil. Added the green chillies. Instant fire.

I managed to turn off the stove. The fan was on and I immediately opened the windows. The fire itself went out pretty quickly. I had the lid nearby but didn’t even think to use it - good thing, cuz it was glass and that’s not a good idea. You need a metal lid from what I’ve read.

Then came the annoying part - three fucking CO monitors went off - kitchen, living room and bedroom.

I’ve never had more than one go off (always due to cooking lol) and thought I had to fucking turn off each one. So I tried to rush through and, becuase there were three of them, I thought I’d already shut one off when I went to the next but NOPE. It started back up again.

Or maybe, it never even fucking stopped and was messing with me.

I went back to it and this time kept the button pressed and, thank the lords, shutting it off shut down all three of them.

That’s some relief. I was lugging around a chair and a spatula and could finally relax.

I waiting five mins then closed the windows (I’d opened multiple for cross-ventilation) but let the fan run for a while longer.

Not gonna cook right now. Put back the stuff that needs to be in the fridge. And now I’m posting.

So, people, always wash your pans after use. Heat your oil slowly and be extra careful when putting in stuff with moisture in them.

I got complacent and could’ve been in trouble. Thankfully, it was just annoying.

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