[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

The problem is that the gaffes are just the tip of the iceberg.

Many prominent Biden allies are pushing for him to step down. It's not the media or George Clooney- its Congressmen. It's a crisis when many of your closest allies question your ability to do the job.

Democratic candidates are crying as they leave "reassurance" meetings with Biden. They understand better than anyone else that their election chances are dire with Biden as an anchor at the top of the ticket.

It's a crisis when the Republicans are on track to control all 3 branches of government in a few months.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 days ago

If you have any data or hypothesis to explain why the polls are off by >10% then I'd love to hear it.

Otherwise, denying reality is the Trumpian response. I was hoping for a serious answer.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago

Compare any Biden debate or press conference performance from before 2016 to what he looks like now.

The issue isn't the gaffes, it's the obvious cognitive decline.

[-] [email protected] -5 points 3 days ago

Can you explain how you think Biden can win this race?

Hes down 10-15% in the same polls from 4 years ago, hes getting killed in the press, and everytime he goes in front of a camera he reminds people that hes in cognitive decline.

How can the Biden campaign pull off the greatest comeback in political history?

Running a new candidate might be a bizarre and dangerous idea, but the current path leads directly to a Trump reelection.

[-] [email protected] 62 points 1 week ago

And the leader who preceded Hitler, and whose blunders helped Hitler gain power, was Paul von Hindenburg.

Von Hindenburg, running for his second term at 84, was widely regarded as being too old and incompetent. For the centrists and center-left parties, he was their only hope in defeating Hitler.

After Von Hindenburg's defeat, Hitler passed the Enabling Act to assume full power.

History may not repeat, but it rhymes.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 3 weeks ago

I honestly think if he took his shirt off it would cost him the election.

Seeing the flabby, 78-year-old American physique in all its glory would be both a literal and figurative "emperor has no clothes" moment for many of his cultists.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Only idiots are saying both sides are the same, but the only way to make Biden look good is to compare him to Trump. Such a low bar.

Lowering insulin prices is great, but its just another bandaid on the gaping, infected wound that is the US healthcare system. What happened to the public option that candidate Biden talked about so much?

Lowering cannabis to schedule 3 is a step in the right direction, now we can have legitimate legal studies on the drug. But this doesn't have to go in baby steps, he could have just descheduled it. We will still be arresting and prosecuting and jailing, ruining lives and wasting loads of taxpayer dollars.

The infrastructure bill is just clearing the maintenance backlog, we still have no real plans for high speed rail. Our infrastructure is 10-15 years behind China and falling further behind.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 2 months ago

One of the big themes of the fall of the Roman Republic was that many leaders faced a dilemma: stay in office or face dire legal consequences. Julius Ceasar had to make sure he held office continuously for decades or else he would have been dragged through the courts.

If you asked me 15 years ago, I would have naively said that modern governments do not have this problem. But one look at Trump or Netanyahyu and the logic is clear: do everything to stay in power, because if you fail you get life in prison.

[-] [email protected] 67 points 3 months ago

This asshole destroyed the public option, then a few years later my life was destroyed by medical bankruptcy.

It is sad that he got to live a full life surrounded by loved ones. He deserved so much worse.

Rest in piss, you wont be missed.

[-] [email protected] 55 points 3 months ago

I dont understand why Israel, deeply reliant on US military assistance for its defense, also routinely humiliates the US in public.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 4 months ago

Its hard to think of anything more heroic than going overseas to run a charity kitchen in a famine-stricken warzone.

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