
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I looked at the 915 and the price is a turn off, the 613 looks interesting though.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Harmony gets my vote of those two.

Service Disruption (2023-06-16) (status.robertsspaceindustries.com)

I went from 1009 to 997 in the login queue after about 6 minutes. Could be a long night friends.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

LOL yeah. It's my little playground with nothing super important. I'm a novice in this stuff and don't trust it with anything valuable. A novice that's gone from a Gateway Laptop to a Dell VRTX in the last 10 years.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I go back and forth in my mind. It makes sense that this could be a way for Sub Gear to somewhat get protected. It's not outrageous. I think if anything the bug is that it works on non-sub/store gear.

And it was VERY Well documented in 3.19.0 so they had a chance to remove an exploit with 3.19.1 and didn't, so maybe not viewed as that horrible, or actually its working as intended.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Oh man I never knew you could turn on trailers. Is that just for specific libraries? That could be a full little addition for movie nights.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

There is a method for getting them saved to the build out of your ship yes. They can sometimes be repaired (maybe only in game looted items) but in my case have always come back with a claim.

If you want to try it out here's the steps that have been shared and are working for me.

  • Retrieve Ship.
  • Place Guns on the gun racks of the ship. You may need to leave Armistice zone to place weapons
  • Store Ship
  • In the Vehicle Loadout Manager, remove a component like the cooler and Save the Build.
  • Close and Re-Open Mobiglass
  • Replace the removed Component and Save the Build again.

The gun rack should be saved to the ship build as well now. It will Increase repair costs but may not actually replace missing guns. I have found that guns that you can purchase in-game usually come back on a repair, but any other guns that you can't purchase in-game only come back on a claim (sub gear, web store items).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I built a spreadsheet to track for myself from all the references I've seen people make in various forums and threads on other sites.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I do love a good P4. the white one is my favorite I think.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

These are pretty cool, but ... why? I love the MGM kitten one but is it just to "enhance" the experience to make it feel more theater like?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

As a cheat sheet, here's what I know so far has Gun Racks:

  • 325a - 2 Primary - 3 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • 400i - 6 Primary - 9 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • 400i - 6 Primary - 9 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • 890 Jump - 32 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • A2 - 16 Primary - 24 Sidearm/Utility - 4 Heavy
  • Ballista - 2 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • C2 - 16 Primary - 24 Sidearm/Utility - Heavy
  • Carrack - 12 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Centurian - 10 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Constellation - 2 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Corsair - 6 Primary - 9 Sidearm/Utility - 2 Heavy
  • Cutlass - 4 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Cutlass Steel - 20 Primary (1 near each seat) - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Cutter - 1 Primary - 3 Sidearm/Utility - 1 Heavy - 1 extra Utility
  • Cyclone - 2 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Defender - 2 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Gladius - 2 Primary - 1 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy - 2 Ammo?
  • Inferno - 2 Primary - 1 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy - 2 Ammo?
  • M2 - 16 Primary - 24 Sidearm/Utility - 4 Heavy
  • MSR - BUG Primary - BUG Sidearm/Utility - BUG Heavy
  • Nomad - 2 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Scorpius - 2 Primary - 4 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • STV - 2 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Ursa - 4 Primary - 0 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy
  • Vulture - 2 Primary - 3 Sidearm/Utility - 0 Heavy

The persisting Gun Rack Feature/Bug/Glitch/Exploit is still around in 3.19.1. So what's your go to loadout in your favorite ship?

Right now I spend a lot of time in my Vulture, which has 2 Primary Weapon Slots, and 3 Pistol/Utility Slots.

  • Bloodline Multi-Tool with Orebit Mining Attachment
  • Ghost Multi-Tool with Tractor Beam
  • Medical Gun
  • Evergreen FS-9 with x3 Scope, Suppressor, and Green Laser Pointer
  • Smiley Face Custodian with x3 Scope, Suppressor, and Red Laser Pointer.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

undefined> consolidating your data using unBALANCE

OMG that's perfect, just installed it. I need to remove one of the 2TB anyway to get the 12TB in there. This is like my dream come true I was trying to do that through the file manager thingy dohicky (technical term?)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

I had never used parity on the roughly 65TB of crap until I moved to Unraid and figured... meh why not try it.

I am a benefactor of people like you passing on old hardware to less experienced people. That's where I just got this Dell VRTX with 2x m640 Blades and 2x m520 blades and I really don't know what to do with it. Someone else gave me the r420 and one of the MD1000s and before that I was using an R710 and the other MD1000. The R710 was my original system with a WIndows Storage Space that I didn't know what I was doing with. Until I migrated everything to Unraid on the 420. Plan was to move back to the R710, but then the Dell VRTX showed up. Lots of options and about time to pass on the R710 and R420 to new homes I think.

Oh and All my drives came from my local college's Surplus Store after being decommissioned from there, so far I've only lost I think 3 drives in the 10 years I've been tinkering with this *arr collection and plex. I stared on an Old Gateway laptop... yes.. Gateway!


tldr; moving from a Dell r420 to a Dell m640 in a Dell VRTX, where should change any of my settings configurations

I currently am running my Unraid on a Dell r420 off a cheap USB stick. The r420 has an LSI 9206-16e with 2 Dell MD1000s attached. I'm not using any of the r420 drive bays as I couldn't get Unraid to detect them after trying to flash the controller. The storage is:

  • 1x 6TB (Parity)
  • 11x 4TB
  • 3x 3TB
  • 14x 2TB
  • 1x 2TB (cache)

I also have several other 2TB and smaller drives left some 10K and 15K rpm drives and a 12TB SAS drive I stumbled upon for cheap.

The Dell VRTX is the sff format version and I have 8 drives for that, but heard I will struggle with getting those to show up in Unraid. The m640 has 2x 300TB SSDs, that I might be able to use with Unraid easily.

This weekend I plan on moving the LSI Card to the VRTX, figuring out how to pass it through to the m640, and getting everything up and running. It's going to take me minutes, so I've been led to believe as Unraid, should just work!

But I'm wondering how I can better utilize my storage. I'm wasting the 12TB Currently as it's not being used. My gut reaction is take out one of the 2tb and replace with the 12TB and run it in it's own pool since I can't parity it and I feel like using it for Parity would be a waste as well.

Am I missing anything? Should I be doing something completely different? Is using a dual Xeon Gold 6134 128GB RAM Machine a complete waste for Unraid? Everything was well loved before it got to me, but I'm giving it a good retirement home running an *arr network of tools, AMP Game Server for a bunch of Teens, and learning about things like NGINX and PiHole for myself (and failing.. stupid 502 gateway NGINX error!)

EDIT: Here's the plugins I'm currently using that I've seen mentioned on the other place that we shall not go back to.

  • Community Applications
  • Disk Location
  • Dynamix File Manager
  • Dynamix System Buttons
  • Fix Common Problems
  • Parity Check Tuning
  • Unassigned Devices and Unassigned Device Plus
  • and now unBALANCE from https://lemmy.world/u/zehty recommendation

I know.. it's horrible, I need a replacement. But this board almost perfectly fills my use case of usage from the couch on my TV/Monitor, wireless, full size (numpad needed for work stuff), balances great on my lap, or across my legs when sitting in weird positions on the couch cross-legged or one leg tucked. Built in Wrist rest to help balance and grab when putting down or on the back of the couch.

I got a Keychron K4 last year, but a little too thick, with full height keys and no wrist wrist make it uncomfortable. The length is about as short as I could go.

So I guess that means I'm looking for:

  • Low Profile
  • Full Size, 1800 or 96% something in that area
  • Wrist wrest
  • Obviously, Mech or I guess optical. but I'm done with Scissor Switches and Membranes.

Was looking at the Keychron K5 Series, and am tempted but the lack of space in front of the keys is my only hesitation. I know this world is big and I am only familiar with a small portion of it (keychron, GMMK, what I see here). Anyone got any recommendations for something similar to the Logitech K800, but you know... good.

Right now at work, I'm using the GMMK Pro I started with that has lubed Boba U4T I got from a local marketplace and knock off GMK Black Lotus Caps.


I was gifted a decommissioned Dell VRTX with 2xm640 and 2xm520 to move my homelab to. Trying to determine the pinout of the 3 6-pin gpu power cables in the GPU chassis to see how I could convert to double 8-Pin for my 2080 Super I have sitting around. Want to run Stable Diffusion on it and other GPU accelerated tasks.

Anyone familiar with this Chassis and if there is a way to power this 2080Super? I think I can get it to fit.

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