
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

thank god for all the different options, because things you like, such as dolphin, are things i do not like at all... the beauty of linux, i suppose.

That's ok!

But I guess you don't need to share files in your local network, connect to servers, use KDE Connect, use MKV files with embedded posters, mount .ISO files, etc.

the fact kde comes bundled as default does not say anything about quality, because otherwise, obviously, windows would be the best OS.... (it does, in part, explain its popularity - just like windows, though) apart from that, i believe most of those vendors also just let you pick the DE you want upon ordering

Maybe, but I don't think Valve chose KDE Plasma for Steam Deck's desktop mode just because of its resemblance to Windows as we can say that other DEs that come by default with a traditional layout like Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE also resembles Windows, yet they were not chosen.

Same with Tuxedo computers who decided to use KDE Plasma and also become a sponsor of KDE organization who could've chosen another DE.

wayland is coming to mint, but at a "everything at a time" pace (preliminary support in 21.3 iirc)

I heard. In a few years.

I bet implementing color management and HDR suppor will take them another 10 years since they have started so late with Wayland support.

concerning multi-monitor support, i've never had issues with my nvidia card and 3 27" connected screens, running 2048x1152 at 60hz (i know, people these day want more hz but i'm not going to change my screens for some hz i won't really notice personally) (by the way, the 3 screens can be set separately both for resolution AND refreshrate)

I never knew that X can allow different refresh rates per monitor.

never heard of okular, and the best torrent client for me is transmission, while in gaming i had no issues whatsoever in running cyberpunk in high quality back when it came out (heck, i didn't even encounter any real bugs!)

This is Okular, with its main features:


If Transmission is the best for you, that's ok, I respect that.

It's just the fact that when I look at the connected peer list, most people use Qbitttorrent and uTorrent.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (6 children)

kde... it may be the most used desktop, likely due to it being "windowsy-like" but that does not mean it is the best desktop (and on top of that, DE's are often -luckily- a personal preference).

How about the fact that it has Wayland support and an unbeatable list of useful built-in features?


Or the fact that is has KDE Connect which works natively / best with it?


Or the fact hat it comes by default on so many devices?


if you like eyecandy, deepin's DDE and solus' Budgie are 2 great choices, but i find myself always returning to the clean cinnamon environment with plank.

I don't care much about eyecandy as I care about Wayland support, as I want the best privacy + security and he best scaling + multi-monitor + multi-GPU support, per-screen refresh-rate and 10-bit colors support!

The under the hood improvements are much more important to me.

But also the fact that the best file manager on Linux (Dolphin) and the best document viewer on Linux + Windows (Okular) is made by KDE too and integrates very well with Plasma.

Also the fact that the best BitTorrent client (Qbittorrent), that I use for 7-8 years, integrates very well as it's based on Qt too.

With color management and HDR support coming in Plasma 6, there are also under the hood improvements which I want to have as I waited for years for them.

that being said, why would one DE be more "gaming compatible" than another? i mean, it is the OS and libraries that count, not the DE itself.

At thought the same at the beginning, but it seems that's not the case as I see everything a Linux Mint problem post on this subreddit.

And besides that, stuff like stuff like direct scanout (for fullscreen windows) and DRM leasing (for Vr) I think are important for games too.

And I think HDR support also as I heard some games support that too.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (10 children)

I agree!

I'm actually tired of seeing every day a post here about someone having a problem with Linux Mint when trying to play some game.

For me the deal-breaker with Linux Mint is the fact that it doesn't support the most polished and gaming compatible desktop environment and the most used by Linux gamers, KDE Plasma:


And of course also the fact that it comes with old Linux kernel, Mesa drivers and other old packages.

Debian 12 + KDE Plasma seems to be 10 times better than Linux Mint with whatever DE could ever be, even though it's not as recommended for gaming as Nobara and others.

Steam + games from it seems to work great, without any problems with Debian 12 + latest KDE Plasma and latest Linux kernel and Mesa drivers from its "testing" repository".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Probably, suffering the NIH syndrome!

I'm not interested in Cosmic as I bet they can not match 25+ years of development that Plasma has and these features:




They are not Microsoft or Apple to be able to hire 1000 developers to work on all these things.

If I wanted just a basic, simple desktop environment, I would've used one of the 3 that Linux Mint offered, but I don't.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

But it doesn't support the best desktop environment out there, KDE Plasma!

Which also will be the first one to have color management and HDR support!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

That's sad!

Especially since I've been running the Wayland session of Plasma for 3-4 years already and Plasma 6 will be Wayland-only on more distros.

But at the same time of course as I intentionally avoided Nvidia GPUs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Are you sure?

Because I had problems in other desktop environments on both AMD and Intel GPUs from time to time.

So it's hard for me to believe that you never had problems with Cinnamon and Nvidia.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)



The normal buttons work fine.

I don't know which are adaptive triggers and with what games they should work.

The light bar doesn't changes colors when multiple ones are attached to the computer.

I haven't tested audio and gyroscopes.

I heard that audio doesn't work over Bluetooth, which is how I mostly used it.

The update firmware tool works only on Windows.

But it doesn't matter as it works just fine also with the firmware that it comes with.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Does it have an open source BIOS / UEFI implementation?

Does the AMD CPUs in it come with Pluton?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Yet another Nvidia + Linux mint post!

Normally there is a problem with users using one of them, but now it's both.

I feel sorry for the user using such an unlucky combination.

This time I cannot even saying which one is most likely the culprit as it can be both of them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

And yet another Nvidia problem!

As not day passes here without another Nvidia or Linux Mint problem.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

So soon???

I hope the EU changes the rules that the vendors provides at least 10 years of support for their products or open source all the software, so others can still provide the support!

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