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[–] Juju 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Sometimes feels like these days are the norm to be honest and the days where I can do stuff is the exception to the rule. I've managed to up my work productivity massively with meds and habits but man life is still such a challenge. I find I feel suddenly hopeless whenever I have ''free'' time.

[–] Juju 4 points 1 year ago

Yeh I know. I think the core functionality of a bullet journal (minimalist, mostly just doing dailies with an index) is the most useful thing to get right and if developed as a habit can work even when you're overwhelmed and have less time. I just find even getting myself to open a notebook is a challenge when I'm all frantic and all over the place.

I consistently use a notebook for work (sort of) but find that I have a tendency to lose it everywhere if I carry it around too much also. I started using Google keep so I could have access to my thoughts everywhere and didnt have to keep walking around with a notebook I was likely to put down and forget.

[–] Juju 4 points 1 year ago

Beautiful pic but I'm sick of Mancunian weather right now!

[–] Juju 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah I just have Google keep and calendar pinned to every browser on ever computer / laptop I use (personal laptop, work laptop, computer in my classroom (teacher), office computer).

I'm also ATM having fun with obsidian. I want to open it whenever I go on laptop because it's currently a novelty and I want to look at it. I've got periodic notes plug in, some kind of to do list plug in and another to do list plug in to make them roll over to the next day. I open up a daily note, check my to do and then check Google keep (where I dump thoughts) to see whether I need to add anything else to my to do.

I still need to set up s way to sync to phone as at the moment I can only use on laptop. I've read his to do it I just...can't be bothered.

[–] Juju 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I had a lot of success with bullet journalling for a long while but as usually happens I fell off the habit. I've come to accept that I have to constantly think of novel ways to organise and change them around as that's the way my brain works. I do love bullet journalling though, it's really effective when used consistently and in a way to fit your use case.

[–] Juju 9 points 1 year ago

Nice recommendation :) I really like goblin tools. I used it when I needed to write a letter and couldn't think where to start. It gave me a structure which was really helpful.

[–] Juju 6 points 2 years ago

I am soo blind to phone reminders. I have one go off every day telling me what to take to work and it's just a thing that exists that I jus switch off daily without thinking. Can't even be bothered to remove it.

[–] Juju 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I have a dumping area in the kitchen where I eat my breakfast and drink my coffee. I shove anything I need to remember in what will be my eye line when I sit down.

I have tried the tip someone gave me once of putting house keys on top of lunch box on fridge as well so as not to forget it. Pretty good idea!

I have a routine of just pulling my lunch out when I get the milk for my coffee at the moment though and that's working quite well.

[–] Juju 7 points 2 years ago

Love this.

As a teacher I often have to jump on a task that isn't actually that urgent but scratches an itch (to do with some research I'm excited about / solves a problem in a cool way / feels novel etc) in order to get me working through my to do list.

[–] Juju 3 points 2 years ago

I much, much prefer talking while walking as it removes all the weird decisions about what to do with my face and gestures.

[–] Juju 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Some really useful tips I'm this video! Currently watching it at 1:45 instead of going to bed...

I like and personally do the tip about finding new and novel ways to do a task so as to increase the motivation. I am exactly the same with the Marie Kondo folding! I HAVE to add innovation to my boring tasks to do them which can often make things take longer and perplex other people but it works. Something else I've tried is doing work while on a wobbleboard and learning a language on pimsleur while washing up/ doing other chores.

[–] Juju 5 points 2 years ago

Yes I completely agree. And even neurotypical people can be victim to the trap of worrying about the right way to do things and assigning unhelpful rules to tasks.

But yes I really find it helpful to try and let go off those rules. We should do things in the way that works for us. Personally, I leave most of my laundry hung up in the sun room (that I'm lucky to have) until I'm ready to wear it and/or put it away. I'm also a fan of putting away just a few things at a time.

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