They’ve been mostly locked in place since 8th October. There’s no way for them to regroup and refortify with Israel dropping bombs on anything which looks like a terrorist. A ceasefire would let them regroup in civilian buildings, which I think we all want to avoid. They have to qualms with using children as human shields, so we need to keep the terrorists pinned down and get away from those children.
Well, not entirely. We can move out to the wilderness and live off the land with very minimal interaction with civilization. We don’t because iPhones and medicine are too good to give up.
I can’t tell if this is sarcastic but Italy is democratic and they hold regular elections. They’re definitely not fascist. If it’s a joke about the currently elected ruling party, they’ve only been in power for one year. This problem has taken decades to metastasise.
It’s been great watching the world re-learn why unions are important.
They do a great job of integrating devices. As for the App Store, us in the EU will soon be allowed to install alternatives. I think the deadline is the end of March.
Chinese cars like Great Wall have been a thing in New Zealand for a long time but they’re quite terrible. Chinese built Teslas seem to be reasonably built, but I would steer clear of any cars built by a Chinese brand until there are long term reliability studies.
I am also confused. I didn't know phone browsers were a team sport, but here we are.
It's not like the Israeli government intentionally set up a music festival next door to Hamas to get participants killed. Your implication is incredibly nefarious. This was a privately run festival full of people who were advocating for Palestinian rights, set up more than 3km away from the border. How much of a buffer zone between Gaza and Israel are you suggesting there should be? 5km? 10km? For context, the width of Gaza is as narrow as 4.5km.