[-] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

Sort of, but she gave most people realistic names, it's only with people further outside the central narrative that gets weird, and it goes further than just the name. I referred to my made-up character as 'European' and used common Spanish and Italian last names, which would be weird, but fine by itself. However, imagine if they were the ONLY white character in the entire book, and JK only wrote about how "Lombardi loved pasta and naps" as their main characteristics.

Cho Chang is a popular and smart girl who struggles with always listening to her parents, but suddenly becomes dumb around Harry because "she can't focus around him". She's basically just a ManicPixieDreamGirl for Harry to have emotions about.

So, it's not just about the name, it's how the character is treated overall, and the way she's treated is as a generic Asian romantic interest stereotype with a made-up name.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

Shacklebolt = Shackled and bolted down = Enslaved

Not a great name for basically the only black person in the books.

Cho Chang = Both are Chinese or Korean LAST names. 'Cho' isn't a first name in any Asian language, so she's mixing and matching languages and cultures. She also only describes her as 'Asian' in the books, furthering how little effort was put in.

It's like saying 'Lombardi Fernandez' is a European name. Ignorant on multiple accounts.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Who's the republican VP again? And once we even figure that out, do we think Trump will try to kill them too or nah?

[-] [email protected] 275 points 1 week ago

I remember reading that when national parks tried to make a 'bear-proof' trashcan, they found that there was a larger overlap between the smartest bear and the stupidest human to make a viable product.

I feel like it's a similar situation here. The smartest kid and the stupidest adult are far more similar than we'd like to admit.

[-] [email protected] 80 points 2 weeks ago

The initial lawsuit was in a town with ~600 fewer available beds than residents. These people literally did not have anywhere else to go, and our highest court just said 'tough shit'.

Holy fuck, y'all.

[-] [email protected] 161 points 1 month ago

I remember the first time I went to an anime convention, and was SO EXCITED because they were going to host a DDR tournament!

Then I went into the room where the tournament was supposed to be held and almost died. They were routinely shutting down the room just to try to air it out, and were doing routine announcements of "I do not care if you think you do not smell. Everyone needs to go back to their hotel and shower before coming back. We are serious."

I didn't enter the tournament.

[-] [email protected] 133 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

She was dropping her son off as school. Her son was still in the car. She drove into the bus lane accidentally. The officer's response was that he was "scared she was going to run someone over" .. while her son who goes to the school is in the car. You could verify that in a 5 second radio call to the front office.

We need to re-think policing in general if cops are allowed to enforce their worst fears instead of seeing what's actually happening.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 2 months ago

What? The guy who fired people who slept in their offices at Twitter fired more people who were sacrificing their personal lives for one of his companies?

Ya don't say.

[-] [email protected] 131 points 5 months ago

If "your man card can be revoked" then you understand that gender is performative and conditional.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 6 months ago

Nah, they don't need to do that when they can already influence user decisions by faking a consensus.

They "fuzz" votes. They give themselves "gold" and promote articles. Then they have the first few comments all say the same opinion in a few different ways, and suddenly people start agreeing for fear of being "in the out-group". It takes so much effort to flip the tone of the components section once it's got a vibe.

If not, delete and restart until it works.

[-] [email protected] 83 points 6 months ago

It was already illegal - It was human trafficking.

It'd be nice to have people enforce the laws we already have first instead of this security theatre.

[-] [email protected] 103 points 8 months ago

Things to never say before committing a crime:

"Wait, let me sign in with my Google account first."

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