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[–] Iteria 4 points 2 years ago (4 children)

Other nations have guns and yet no one ever talks about it. Canada and Australia both allow it. I have never stated that I don't think it should be regulated, but the very real fact is that without the assistance of hunters the US would have a real ass problem feeding itself. Wild hogs are a real threat to our food supply to the point where some farmers stake out areas with automatic machine guns to mow them down. Feral hogs are such a problem and that many states don't have any kind of limitation on killing them at all.

You're coming at this from the POV of someone who has never had to consider being murdered by wild life in your backyard that absolutely our government is not going to completely get rid of nor can you kill them willy nilly either. You're thinking about this like someone where 100 miles is a very long way and not the distance one travels to get to work.

Fuck, I legitimately know people who subsistence farm. They hunt actually for food. Because they live in the middle of fucking nowhere and getting food is too expensive. I've visited areas of my state with cloth stores, not clothing stores. That's the kind of low income area we're talking about.

There are reasons to own a gun. There are legitimate ways to regulate guns that the US is not doing. That's why our neighbor with had a high amount of guns (although not the absurd amount t we have) doesn't have the same kind fo gun death rates.

[–] Iteria 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Another person who hasn't ever had a real life 3 year old and doesn't know why "three-nager" is a thing or even what developmental milestones are for 3 year olds. 3 year olds aren't even expected to follow multistage instructions. Like it's not a thing any doctor would be worried about if your kid couldn't at 3. That's how uncommon it is for a 3 year old to follow instructions.

[–] Iteria 2 points 2 years ago

I like how you completely failed to address the actually developmental milestones of 3 year olds. I know you don't know shit about 3 year olds because you're confidently incorrect about how very often a 3 year old will fail to give you warning about needing to go to the bathroom. I guess you think changes of clothing that are required for school until kindergarten are just in case they get dirty.

[–] Iteria 8 points 2 years ago (6 children)

There are several reasons go own a gun in the US. Should we have as many as we do? Absolutely not. But we have a lot of wild and dangerous animals and you don't have to get far from a city center to encounter them. We also have several invasive species we keep down via strategic hunting. Feral pigs being one of them. They're very dangerous and near impossible to get rid of once they're there.

The US could definitely do with at least having the Canadian system where guns are highly tracked by the government (and they should be), but until i don't see coyotes and random bullshit like that wandering around my suburban area, I still guy why you'd want one. I say this as someone who had never owned a gun, nor wants to own one for various reasons.

[–] Iteria 10 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (6 children)

3 year olds can't even reliably communicate that they have to go to the bathroom. They routinely injure themselves and others sometimes through idle curiosity, sometimes via being bad at using their body or understanding consequences. 3 year olds often just do the opposite of what you say for no other reason than developmentally that's the period they defy you.

Have you met a 3 year old? Interacting with them for a long period of time and then tried to get to stop doing something novelly dangerous without them doing that thing at least once? Because it's basically impossible to teach toddlers anything but in retrospect. Adults only follow instructions because they have enough experience to trust the system. A 3 year old has no such trust.

[–] Iteria 3 points 2 years ago

I have a 4 year with unlimited access to her tablet. She will throw it down in a second to go to the park or play with friends. Or just because I told her to put it down.

I gave it to her at 2. I think the key for me is disallowing it in combination with anything else. She can't hang out with me and play on her tablet. She can't play in the park and use her tablet. I also keep her in Amazon's walled garden for now. I've decided that Amazon's opinion about what's good for kids is better than most others. I've also been encouraging my daughter to use it as a learning tool like she'll have to as an adult. She's used to to trying to learn Spanish when she got a friend who spoke it and to reinforce what she's learning in preschool.

All in all, I think that technology is mostly about boundaries. My nephews are addicts but mostly because they have no boundaries. My sister overruled me over having a "digital detox" day after her son had been playing videogames non-stop for 3 days now. Kid watch some YouTube or something. Nope apparently it's summer so he can do whatever. This will definitely not be a problem when school starts 🙄.

Any kid who is desperate enough to leave the house for wifi was failed years ago about boundaries and healthy usage. Their parents are silly anyway. Parental controls can make a literal any device a brick. This is the first lesson I taught my kid. Tablets work at my pleasure. My daughter doesn't even whine about it anymore. Tablet becomes a brick at 8pm sharp and she just plugs it up and gets into bed.

[–] Iteria 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

The vary concept of truthy and falsy makes it very out of step. The triple equals only partly negates that foot gun. Const and let also only partly negate the footgun of hoisting, lexical scope, and the non-obvious impacts of currying. Prototype inheritance would be truly bizarre to people used to more standard inheritance style and many people don't know that javascript's classes are syntax sugar over that system and it leads to foot guns. Many people don't understand destructuring, because they don't understand that javascript objects are all dictionaries in a trenchcoat. Honestly there's a lot of cargo cult behavior in javascript that comes because the language is bizarre given what most people would have experienced.

[–] Iteria 21 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Because it's inescapable. Web development is by far the most common type of programming work and even if you're a backend developer you tend to have to touch javascript at some point, so everyone knows the pain of javascript's foot guns and javascript has a lot.

The fact that it's mandatory to do your work invokes bitterness in people. For backend, you can kind of switch around until you find a language you like. For frontend, it's javascript or nothing at all.

Javascript as a language is very out of sync with other commonly used languages. Its footguns are very easy to run into. As a result you have a lot of rituals around just not shooting yourself in the foot. The rituals, libraries, and frameworks around avoiding Javascript's foot guns have been very shifting and changing. Of course, because the javascript ecosystem changes far faster than other languages, there are a lot of rakes for developers to step on to add to the naturally existing foot guns.

Javascript as a language probably shouldn't be the sole language of the internet for a variety of reasons. It's a very hateable language because of how easy it is for newbies to make new terrible code and how common it is. Until something like WASM takes off, the downpour of hate for javascript will continue.

[–] Iteria 6 points 2 years ago

I think because of very valid fears about it being a cover for genocide. In the US we have very much done genocide like things like systematically taking women's reproductive organs. That one wasn't even that long ago when that one happened.

Looking at Canada, I'm not sure that assisted suicide won't always be used for genocide. You already have stories of people seeking it for no other reason than being disabled and poor in Canada is so hard they don't want to try anymore.

I dont think that the slow miserable death that is how dying is nowadays is great, but I do think that there's a valid reason people don't like the idea of the government sanctioning suicide when the government is perfectly capable of driving people to it. You make suicide boring and a lot of atrocities will be overlooked. Something being legal and on the surface perfectly okay can allow a bunch of terrible things to happen.

[–] Iteria 6 points 2 years ago

What is funny about the US is that if you can't turn the cog of capitalism, healthcare is free. Being very poor is really baller for treating your horrific medical conditions. So is being old.

I'm an able bodied worker who has to worry about medication to keep at bay my murderous condition only because I can work. If I just quit my job and was willing to live in public housing and all my bullshit, all the stress of treatment would actually go away.

I have no idea why Americans are against expanding Medicare when poor people already get it. Why would they want to deny themselves what they're paying for anyway by virtue of not being able to have it.

[–] Iteria 6 points 2 years ago

I mean there is still the very real threat of niche irrelevance. If enough instances are aligned with corporations, the embrace, extend, extinguish can happen. You really want Independent instances to have at least a 1/3 of the population. Threads is gonna make that extremely tricky when it federates.

[–] Iteria 3 points 2 years ago

You're going to learn that as a teen he's merely broken and not godlike like he is an adult. As a teen, Getou is a real threat to Gojou. He's missing some skills that make it impossible to even consider murdering him right now.

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